23. Couple Stuff

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Rhyett's Point of View

My bare feet gently traveled across the wood of my apartment floor while a white tank top coated the top half of my body as my bottom part was covered in a white Calvin Klein panty to match.

I was about to shower before Mav's and I both headed over to his apartment for dinner and to formally meet Blair.

She was living there now and this was a very strange arrangement but Maverick's doing it for Tusco,

and I respect that,

I mean having Maverick live with me wasn't something I would ever complain about.

Did you see the man? He was gorgeous.

It's definitely weird to think that we both went from dating other people, him wanting nothing to do with me and living across from each other to now being here, this close,

Like this.

I like this.

I smiled thinking that while walking out of my bedroom and into the passage only to see Mavs sitting at my round dinner table scribbling on a sheet of paper and then he had placed the pencil into his mouth in order to grab the eraser and erase a mistake he had made.

Token rubbed her body against his leg as she walked through them a million times purring.

She was so in love with him and he was so focused.

I felt my tiny smile turn into a playful one as I watched him push his hair back out of his face only to have it smoothly dangle back down.

He took the pencil from his toothy grip and then blew up air as if that was going to hold back his luscious locks of hair from bothering him.

"Hey." I said having that smile still hang on my lips, speaking almost softly trying to ease him into giving me his attention.

"Mmmm?" He hummed but didn't look up as he jotted down more notes, fully caught up in what he was doing. "You gonna shower?" He spoke and then pushed back his hair again.

My precious little baby. His hair was really getting long. He needs a haircut but with everything going on, I assume that a haircut would be the last thing he would be thinking about.

I leaned against the wall to just watch him for a minute as I felt a warmness coat over my heart like syrup coating pancakes.

"Yeah." I sighed in a very satisfied way. I was so pleased to know that he was doing his physics assignment and that he was still able to focus in the midst of our manic reality.

"Come here." He finally looked up at me smirking the Maverick smirk, his teeth slightly resembles vampire teeth, it's the cutest thing. He then glanced back down to see his work as I allowed my feet to carry me towards my handsome man.

He pushed himself back on his chair as he  then pointed his eyes into his lap, telling me indirectly to sit,

and I did.

I sat down across his lap and then looped my one arm around his neck as his one hand held my waist and his left one then pulled the pages closer for him to continue writing.

He was left handed. Most smart people were.

I sweetly kissed his cheek and then he smiled as he wrote my full name at the top of the page where it had the name box for the assignment.

"What are you doing? That's your physics?" I asked pulling back his hair, running my fingers through it.

"No I finished my physics a while ago babe, this is your math homework." He said seriously and then I laughed. "Maverick! You don't have to do my homework." I said as I pulled my hair tie from my hair, having its glossy softness  waterfall down my back as I then used it to tie up his hair into a cute little ponytail on the top of his head,

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