35. New Plan, New Deals

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Maverick's Point of View

Her sweaty hand was attached to mine while my other was attached to Kenzo's. I stared at him, Miles, as he held hands with Tusco and Kenzo he was right across from me as he had his eyes shut only for my glance to be pulled by Kenzo who mouth "you ready?"

And then I nodded as I felt energy being drained from my body, from all of us. It felt like a spirit was sucking in our souls as a glowing beam of blue and purple light appeared out of thin air trying to blind us with its rays.

The portal was fighting to open as we pushed our magic out to feed it.

The wind began to pick up as I felt the sand and gravel swishing around to create a gust around the circle.

My hair began to lift as the force of the wind began to increase. I could feel my eye shifting into its dark form as I glanced around to see black eyes on all of them.

"It's almost open!" I yelled above the noise of the air as I felt Talia's grip onto my hand become loose. I glanced over to see her as her mouth gapped open as if she was giving the spell all of her and then the ring of blue and purple expanded as the leaves of all of the trees and the grass almost screamed at us with all of its rage.

It's open the energy of the earth around us had calmed down almost instantly killing the violence with its stillness.

The sand, gravel and trees rested as the grass was quiet and then I felt her sweaty hand slide from mine as her body instantly collapsed onto the hard ground. Her shape hitting it hard as Tusco's instincts kicked in to aid her. He almost immediately rushed down to her body to lift her into his arms.

Fuck this, fuck the plan.

I felt my black magic energy boost as I was about to reach for her. I had to help her I just didn't know-

"Maverick, leave them behind!" Kenzo pulled my attention as he reminded me that Tusco got it handled.

I had to do it now and I had to close the portal as soon as we were there. I had to leave them here.


He was right. I swallowed giving her one last glance as I felt my heart being crushed to see her like that.

I closed my eyes and then shifted my body from where I was standing to place myself right beside my father as Kenzo stepped into the portal as I wrapped both of my arms around Miles transporting us to the opening of the portal and then I pulled us both in as quickly as I could feeling the portal consume us.

It opened in the middle of a white clean lab as men were in motion, walking around in white suits.

The place was neat and filled with needles and shinny sliver tools that looked like fucking torturing devices. Wires and tubes hang everywhere while computers and monitors were in every part of the room.

I closed the portal instantly.

"Maverick!" I heard a familiar but now drained voice calling out to me as he hit the glass of the glass box he was being kept it with his first. He was hooked up to wires and they had him wearing what looked like a shock collar.


"Take him, now!" I saw Rhy's father standing in a white lab coat as all the men in the room pulled out their guns to shoot my father with darts that was filled with a bright green liquid,

Shooting one after the other in rapid speed to pierce his skin and then Miles laughed as he stood tall and unharmed, he shook his head as the darts had no effect on him at all.

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