34. Everythings Fucked Up

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Rhyett's Point of View

Maverick sat on the edge of his bed hunched over in frustration, with his hands in his dark hair that hang down loosely as his face pointed at the floorboards while he had shut his eyes to focus. I stood in the doorframe without him knowing I was there, watching him grow more tired and beat himself up as the seconds passed.

I glanced to the left to see Kenzo in the passageway about to approach Mavericks bedroom but when he caught me standing here, he then placed his one hand on the railing that overlooked the huge open foyer.

"Anything?" He mouthed and then I shook my head lightly giving him a thin kind of sad smile as I folded my arms across my chest and then Kenzo smiled kindly before rotating his body to lead himself backdown the staircase.

I looked over at Maverick again as he still sat there with his eyes closed. I'm suppose to be feeling a million emotions right now,

My father wasn't who I thought he was, Nixon was being kept hostage and Maverick, Tailia, Tusco and Kenzo were about to do something dangerous,

But honestly all I could feel was love when I looked at him, and that scares me...I could lose him one day, this world was so unpredictable and chaotic.

I know he is who he is, and him being burdened with his magic means he'll never really know his normal life again. School will be less important to him, NYU will be a forgotten dream and Ice hockey will be a thing he use to do,

I really hope he can still have those things. There must be a way to fix this.

I swallowed and then I heard his rough husky voice speak.

"I can feel your energy in the doorway." He sighed and then he finally lifted his head to look at me as I gave him a comforting glance before he had nudged his head telling me to walk over to him.

I did.

"He'll show. He said he'll show, right?" I spoke and then he pushed himself slightly back opening his legs a little to give me space to sit down on his left leg. He likes when I sit on his lap, when I'm this close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then kissed the temple of his forehead as he looped his one arm around my waist.

He was calm "Yeah he said that 10 minutes ago, what the fuck is he doing!? He said he'll show and now I can't get through to him at all. It's like he can hear me in his head but he refuses to respond and I can't for some fucking reason pull him into the soul realm, I didn't know his magic was that strong." He spoke with curiosity and concern.

"He needs you, for God knows what but he needs you, right? So he'll show." I assured him but I was trying to assure myself as well. Nixon's life was on the line, and this was something I was deeply worried about, if Miles doesn't show we don't have a deal.

I was freaking the fuck out but I needed to be calm because if I wasn't Maverick wouldn't be either.

I also needed to know what Maverick had promised Miles but right now that wasn't important, Nixon was...

Him and I can discuss that another time.

"Yeah, we just need to be patient." He nodded and then he lifted his head leaning in to kiss my lips, softly and then he looked into my eyes for longer than a moment as he smiled small it was almost nonexistent but I know his face well,

That was definitely a smile.

"What?" I asked looping my finger to pull on the chain around his neck, almost playing with it as I scrunched up my nose in a silly way.

"I love you Rhyett. I will always love you, no matter what and that scares me," His eyes showed a twinkle before I felt his hand on my neck, his thick fingers gripping my throat tightly in a gentle manner as he used his thumb to move my chin up so he could kiss my neck and then I felt his lips whisper "it scares me but I'm okay with that." He swallowed and then he pulled his face back from the gap between my jaw and collarbone.

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