19. Blackout

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Rhyett's Point of View

Maverick sat with the back of his head facing me while I had walked towards him as Addison and I had came back to find our seats. We had gone to the restaurant restroom and it truly lived up to how fancy the rest of the dinning section was. It reminded me of my date with Xan, who had in fact texted me a few times today to try and fix whatever we had but Mav's had gotten irritated and called him from my phone telling him to let it go, although he refused to and had texted me another time while I was in the restroom, but don't want to upset Maverick so I'm just going to ignore it.

Maverick took a sip from the glass of water he had ordered and then neatly placed the glass back onto the table while Kenzo neighbored him from across.

I felt his sleek black shinny hair as I glided my fingers through it as him and Kenzo were in the midst of talking about something that seemed serious, Addison winked at me to say thank you for accompanying her to the restroom and then I smiled after I had pulled Maverick's attention by touching his hair.

"You okay?" His voice harsh but concerning as his eyes stared up at me examining my face, for any sign of fear or discomfort.

"I'm fine." I said politely as he smiled small and then I neatened his hair before taking a seat down beside him.

"What do you think his up to. There must be a different reason as to why he wants dad back, I'm not buying the act that his doing it for Tus or because he suddenly gives a fuck about dad." Kenzo said as Mavs licked his lips seriously and then I felt his strong firm hand rest on my thigh from below the table, his fingers forced its way between my legs just to rest there below the hem of my dress and then I immediately felt nervous, feeling myself swallow and my cheeks become flustered.

He knows that I love when he touches me. He's very affectionate and I really like it, although it makes me nervous as if my whole body either wanted to shutdown or explode into glitter and fireworks.

"Yeah he's fucking up to something, and Tusco and I haven't really spoken since that bullshit he pulled by joining team black magic." Mavs spoke with anger behind his eyes and I understood why.

He had previously told me about the bond he had with Tusco and how much he had cared for him, I think the betrayal and no contact had cut him deeper than he would admit.

I placed my one hand on top of his and gave him a comforting little hand squeeze as Addison gobbled up her second plate of food, living fully for herself and her baby.

She shoved garlic bread into her mouth.

She was enjoying herself and couldn't be bothered with Maverick and Kenzo's seriousness. All she cared about was food and I get it, she pregnant.

"Yeah, Tus and I haven't spoken either..I did however get threatened by Nix to do this spell, he needs all four of us and he told me that if I didn't do this..he would hurt my wife, I don't have a choice and I'm not willing to risk my wife and son's life." Kenzo nodded "whatever messed up thing Nix is planing, I'll have to solve that problem when I cross that bridge but for now my family's safety is important to me." He said and then Addison gave him a sweet peck on the cheek with her greasy lips.

Kenzo knew that he had to activate his black magic to do this spell and I'm sure he couldn't live with the fact that he had to kill someone but he doesn't have a choice.

When Nixon visited me he made it pretty clear that he would do whatever it takes to make sure his brothers do this spell, it still felt wrong that I still haven't told Maverick about my encounter with Nix...but I couldn't, I couldn't risk Maverick knowing about his dark black magic past. I couldn't lose him to his darkness.

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