7. A Little Too Fast. A Little Too Quickly

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Rhyett's Point of View

Alicia slurred her words as her one hand now quickly gripped my shoulder while Maverick stood beside me in the kitchen, tilting the bottle to fill both of our glasses with the transparent liquid labeled Gin.

I sat on the countertop of the kitchen island while our glasses were placed beside me, his dark floppy hair had hung down as he focused as much as an almost drunk person could and then Alicia from English classed pulled my attention with her voice.

"S-sometimes." She burped and then I cocked my head back making sure it didn't hit my face, she smiled from embarrassment and then brushed it off to continue "he doesn't get-get get it."

She shrugged throwing her hands up "I told him I wanted him to meet my parents but- but!" She gave up trying to fight her argument in her head "you know what Rhyett, fuck it!"

She sniffed and then looked over at Mav's who had just handed me my glass, his eyes were narrow as he didn't have any emotion on his face.

I smiled thinly to form a thank you while Maverick looked serious probably thinking about whatever fucked up thing he was going through, that he probably would deny if I asked.

I mean, I think we're friends now, but I can't let him verbally know that. He'd get mad and probably distance himself again, I don't get it. We obviously have a connection but sometimes he pretends that I'm the worst thing to ever come into his life,

Or maybe he wasn't pretending. Either way I liked this, him and I talking again,

"Yo, Alicia. I'm not trying to be a dick but your voice is annoying. I came into the kitchen to get away from the noise, but fuck!! can you just-" He spoke seriously as he moved in closer to her to have her clearly hear him.

He wanted to finish his sentence off with "go", but then shook off his thoughts and pulled a dirty face. "Go find Beth!" He shrugged referring to the girl he was seeing as if she was nothing,

It was kind of harsh.

I mean I get that he's been drinking but- "she likes gossip and fixing people's relationship problems." He paused and then looked over at me as I was completely stunned but didn't say anything "I don't know about Rhy, but I simply couldn't care less right now. We all got our shit to deal with." He said and then turned around to ignore her and downed his glass as her face looked heartbroken,

What a Dick.

"A little harsh, don't you think?" I smiled thinly, obviously not impressed. I shoved him lightly "Apologize, that was out of line." I was serious as he scoffed and then laughed ignoring my words as Alicia was about to walk away with tears glistening in her eyes but then I grabbed her wrist to pull her back,

"No!" I said to her and then she stayed standing, awkwardly sniffing and staring at the floor. I think she was about to cry,

But I wasn't sure.

I then gripped his face with my hand, feeling the bone structure of his sharp jawline and the soft skin of his cheeks and then forced him to look at her,

and in less than a second later he had lifted me off the countertop with his strong arms wrapped in his hoody, he held me up while my legs had wrapped around his waist as I tried not to fall from his crazy actions.

What the hell is he doing!

I breathed fast, I was a little scared as I had no idea how he had gotten me in this position so quickly. I swallowed as my heart began to beat at full speed like the sound of kick drum as I felt my back being pressed up against the kitchen wall and felt eyes of everyone in the kitchen staring. It felt like time had slowed down and I could literally feel the silence in my throat,

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