30. Surprise Surprise

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Rhyett's Point of View

"Who's this from?" I glanced at my father as I stared down at the big red expensive looking box he had carried into my apartment.

It now sat neatly on the top of my kitchen counter as my dad shrugged his shoulders "Beats me kid, it got dropped off this morning at the reception. No note." He was just as confused as I was,

My first and only guess was that it was from Maverick, but I guess that's really reaching.

"Mmm..." I nodded and then picked up my bag as I had remembered that I had school soon and then said "I'll deal with it later." I brushed it off and then smiled "School..ima be late so Ima get going." I said awkwardly and then he laughed before pulling me into his arms as he embraced me so warmly,

I smiled small.

I like when he hugs me.

"Happy Birthday Rhyett." He kissed the top of my head and then I hugged him tighter.

I knew he didn't forget. It was just weird because I don't remember spending any birthdays with him. This was probably the first.

"Thanks dad." I said as if I was a little kid feeling shy and sweet as we let go of each other.

"Your mom wish you yet?" He asked but didn't know if he should.

I'm over it, I'm over her. I honestly hope I never see her again.

"Nope. Haven't heard from her since our fight."

"So she didn't tell you she left New York two weeks ago? Her boyfriend was rushed to hospital so she had to leave. She didn't say anything at all?" He was shocked and a little confused,

But I couldn't care less about her, or that fucking idiot she calls her lover.

No she literally calls him lover...and darling, as if she knows what love is, if you are incapable of loving your own child you'll never know real love.

If I ever had a kid I promise to love my kid with my whole heart.

I'll never be her.

"No." I said very calmly as I swallowed. Typical mom, her boyfriend the rapist was more important than her daughter the survivor.

I shook off my thoughts.

"Honestly dad, I just want a fresh life here. One that doesn't involve her. I'm glad she's gone. I just don't want to deal with her anymore."

"Okay honey," he nodded not knowing what to say "I'll allow the two of you to deal with whatever's going on, in your own way." He was too understanding and kind,

Too understanding and kind for this world. I had to protect him at all costs.

"Thanks I-" I began to say and then he asked me the most random question ever.

"The boy? Maverick right?" He pressed his brows together.

"Yeah..." oh my god, I hope this isn't the boyfriend speech I was hoping to never have, "what about him?"

"I..." he scratched the back of his head "I haven't seen him around lately. You and him okay honey? You haven't seemed like yourself in a long time. I'm just concerned." He had sad eyes.

"I'm okay dad." I smiled "we broke up," I admitted "but I'm okay and I'm happy." I lied but only to make him feel like he didn't have to worry about me, and he didn't because I think eventually I will be okay.

"Okay." He nodded believing me "I have errands to run. I'll call you later honey and have a good birthday." He spoke as he walked towards my door as I had followed him because I had to leave too. We both walked out of my apartment as I locked the door before hugging him again. We then walked in opposite directions of the passage. I glanced back to seen him take the turn and vanish behind the wall and then I stopped dead in my spot as I smiled with curious eyes biting my lip.

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