25. Fallen Angel

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Maverick's Point of View

I stood there,

Just stood there feeling the rain turn into a drizzle melting on the surface of me as soon as it forced itself to touch me.

We all did...just stood there, the four of us staring at him as if our feet were stuck in the soil, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Had time stopped, everything around me felt so slow.

"Dad." Tusco broke the silence between us as our father glanced to look at Tusco for a moment and then smirked before he closed his eyes and then having them shoot open to reveal the blackness beneath his lids.

He turned to his left staring into nothing before the empty space filled with a person. A person appeared in the blink of an eye, she stood tall and exhaled as he smiled at her,

Aleta, Nixon's girlfriend.

I pressed my brows together as I glanced to see Nix with a blank stare on his face, he was surprised and I could tell that he didn't know what the fuck was going on, neither of us did.

"What the fuck is!?-" I spoke up as Nix interrupted "Aleta?"

"Luca, do not raise your voice at your father, that's rather disrespectful." He nodded at me seriously.

"Thank you my loyal servant. You've done your job and kept your word. You will be greatly rewarded." He said as she bowed her head showing him some sort of respect as I was speechless.

"Thank you all for bringing me back to life." He smirked but it was anything but warm, it felt cold and dark. "One of you however..." he laughed under his breathe as he cracked his neck "are planning to kill me. Therefore you must die."

"Wait! What!?" I was astonished almost stepping forward. "Listen, woah, none of us are planning to kill you! Why would we want to kill you and we all just brought you back in joint effort....and also" I glanced to see her "Aleta what the fuck man?"

"Right, father you are being rather rash!" Kenzo was just as shocked as I was.

"Kenzo. Be silent." He demanded "he must die, he is a traitor." He nodded and then I watched his eyes point at Nix who stood straight across from him as he raised his hand and breathed in deeply and although I hated Nixon, he was my brother so my protective instincts kicked in without allowing me time to think about my actions,

But it's like my magic made me appear right in front of him as I blink and then opened my eyes to see a bolt of blue energy being directed at my chest, I felt a shift in my body take a hold,

I knew this shift now, it was my black magic and I had no fucking idea of what I was doing but my body just knew.

I held out my hand as I kept my eyes shut, I knew I was going to die for this piece of shit, I swallowed and then tried to take my last breathe,

But it wasn't my last,

I opened my eyes seeing his blue beam of energy being absorbed by my palm and then I felt a tingling surround my body as if I was bathing in small doses of electricity.

I felt my feet slowly lift from the ground. I was levitating above the soil still absorbing his magic, my hair began to float lightly above my head, I could feel it lifting.

And then I heard Kenzo yell "Maverick!" A voice of concern, a fatherly tone. I knew he was going to jump in to try and help me as I saw Tusco getting ready to do the same.

"No!" I yelled as my black glossy eyes glanced at both of them and then I blinked before creating an invisible barrier to push them both back before they had gotten involved.

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