55. Who can't understand whom?

70 5 0

The party was over now and we were going back. Rudra seems to be a bit drunk. I was about to start the car when, "All the best Ms. Beautiful Detective." It was Sahil who was waving at me. I smiled back.

Rudra smirks.

All the time he looks outside of the window until we reached at our place.

He was all silent as well.


My phone buzzed and it was Harsh. But I ignored it.

My phone buzzed again after few minutes. It was Vikram.

"Hello" I picked it up.

"Ms. Detective actually you and Rudra needs to be in the police station the next morning."


"We need a witness to confirm the culprit. I mean I know she already has confessed everything but... I want to confirm once if she's not lying."


"You need to come here with him tomorrow morning."

"I've already solved the case. Do I need to be with him there?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Vikram please just answer my question."

"Yes... You need to be here. You're the witness of Rudra's innocence."

"Fine but... Do you think he saw her ever? He never mentioned anything about it though."

"That can be confirmed by tomorrow. He needs to be here. She's going to give her final statement tomorrow. We need him to be there to make him know who the real culprit is. We need his help and he need ours. Make sure he comes with you tomorrow."

I grabbed my bag and started packing my stuffs. I mean of course... I need to be somewhere I belong. I can't be with him. He do not need me now. His psychiatrist will help him and he has his Dad's property. He's into the music so he can start teaching kids professionally. Yes, this is right. I need to get over him. He's not someone who can be by my side. I need to take care of myself as well.

I should leave after tomorrow interrogation.

I lied down on my bed and staring at ceiling fan, I kept thinking about everything that happened just now, as we reached home after the party.


"Change your clothes and go to sleep." Said I casually. "Go out of this room. I need to change as well." I added.

"Is he going to pay you more?" Rudra asks sitting on the bed.

"Pay for what?" I looked at him, confused.

"That surgeon. Didn't he asked you to sleep with him? Did you tell him that you are good at it? He must have offered you more money isn't it?"

"What the fuck are you blabbering right now?"

"Why? He was also good looking. He must be good at bed right?" He stands chuckling at me.

And I slapped him tight. "Do you think you can say whatever you want?"

His steps limps as he was drunk.

"Yes I can. Do you care if I say or even exist?" He yells at me trying not to lose balance as he keeps standing while. holding the table.


Meanwhile Harsh was calling me frequently but I denied. I do not wanted to drag myself into more mess.

Ms. Detective (I) {under construction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon