13. Is he the Culprit?

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"Hello Vikram.... Track Abeer's number. He's in this city only. Ask the police to track him" said I as soon as I picked up the call.

"Ms. Detective.... But we're unable to track his number as it remains switched off. But we got a news that he'll be there at some bar tonight!!"


"At cheers bar...."

"Then I should catch him!! Tonight itself!"

"Be in contact with me and few constables will report you at spot. Be careful and yes All the best Ms. Detective"

"Yes inspector"

And the call hungs up.


I rushed outside the room with my bag and suddenly my phone buzzes and it was Mr. Khurana.

"Hello Ms. Trisha. Can I please talk to Rudra." He pleaded.

"Actually Mr. Khurana.... I'm in rush. Can I make you talk later?"

"Ms. Trisha... It's really important.... Please for once"

"Okay wait" I proceeded to knock on his door. "Rudra... Open the door" I asked.

And surprisingly he opened.

"What happened Tiny?" He asks with the same disgusting glare. I forwarded him the phone and he looked at me, confused. "Talk" said I placing the phone near his ear.

"Hello" He said glaring at me. "Hello...." He yells this time. I wonder if Mr. Khurana has hung up the call. "Hello.... Damn it Tiny what's your problem?" He fumes as he was about to throw my phone.

"Son..." Mr. Khurana's voice, which was audible to me, stops him to throw the phone, thankfully.

Rudra goes blank.

"Son please.... Please don't hang up" Mr. Khurana says as he was about to disconnect the call. A lone tear fells down his cheeks. "Why the fuck did you phoned me?" He asks tightly shutting his eyelids and the next moment, shuts the door leaving me outside.

What the....

"No... I hate you and everyone related to you... Did you understand that!!!" His fumes were audible outside the room.

I kept my ears on the door to hear him clearly.

"Listen you..... I don't care where the hell is your son! Whether he died or is fucking anyone. I just don't care"


Is he talking about Mr. Khurana's son?

If he has his own son then why did he adopted Rudra? And where is he... How would Rudra know!!! Had he kidnapped him? And that's what made him return back late last night!!!!!??

For now, the scariest thing is that my phone in his hand isn't at all safe for me!!

"Rudra.... Return my phone" I banged the door. The phone comes sliding out of the room from the gap between door and floor. "Go die" He fumes from inside. "Mean" I yelled back, banging in frustration. "Rudra you have broken it." I yelled as the screen was damaged. "I know" His voice reflects the ease. "How dare you?" I kicked at the door when he suddenly came out.

"Listen you" He pressed his fingers into the flesh of my arms.

"You are hurting me" I yelled glaring in his orbs.

"And you are no one to tell me what to do and what not to" He throws me and thankfully I managed not to fall.

And he leaves the house.

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