47. Shattered

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I rushed inside Mr. Khurana's ward. A nurse was beside, checking his vitals and a doctor checking his reports.

"How's he Doctor?" I asked. My voice a bit puffy as I came running from the entrance of the hospital. The doctor glanced me upside down and asked. "You are?"

"She's like a daughter to me doctor" a faint voice comes from behind doctor. It was Mr. Khurana's voice. I was relieved that he was looking fine.

"Mr. Khurana, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm better Ms. Trisha..... Thanks for coming" he smiles warmly.

"Where is Rudra?" I asked a bit curiously.

"He must be in the garden.... I guess." replies the Doctor.


It was a cold night. I ran to find him in the garden, while huffing, my glance falls on the person sitting on a bench, all alone, smoking. How can I not be angry at him? Why he has to act so careless?

As I proceeded slowly towards him. He dug the burning cigarette on his palm. And this made me rush towards him.

As soon as I reached to him, grabbing his hand, I slapped him hard and yelled, "Will you please come to your senses anytime in your life? Or do you have to be childish always? What the hell do you like about self harming? Does this benefits even a single person around you? Does this benefits you in any way?"

His hazel brown eyes were confusingly fixed at me. The cigarette got thrown away. And his ruffled hair was swinging on to his brows.

Huh. How can I throw my anger on this innocent face...!!

"Rudra" I lifted his chin slightly to cheer him up. "What do you think you are doing?" I asked sounding dissappointed of course. He was all silent and might stunned with my sudden appearance. His hand lifts my hands away of his chin. I gave him a surprised glare. Meanwhile he takes his steps back. Though his eyes were avoiding mine but I'm sure that those had many unreadable emotions. "He's your Dad.... Can't you show a little concern towards him?" I asked.

"Did you met him? How's he now?" he asks showing sudden concern. His voice was light and cracky. His eyes kept ignoring the contact with mine. While his hair were falling on his eyes making it much more difficult for me to read his emotions.

I was dumbfounded.

"Why don't you check out by yourself?" yelled I pushing him slightly.

"Tell me.... Please" he grabs my arms and asks shaking me.

"Are you trying to put on a show? Stop this fake concern" I shouted pushing him away.

"I said tell me now" he shouts back.

"Why? Why should I tell you? He's your father. He's your family. Can't you take care of him? The hospital authorities are calling me from out of the city..... What does it mean? You careless jerk"

"I'm sorry..... I can take care of my business now. Thanks for coming." he sounds so normal that it jerks me back.

Sorry? Thanks? What's wrong with him!!?

"Are you alright? Do you wanna talk about something?" I asked.

"No... You can go now. The driver will escort you to the airport" he smiles and turns his back towards me. After calling the driver, he wished me a safe journey.

This is beyond my imagination. How can he behave in that way! Is something going on with him?

"Wow.... Was it a sarcasm?" I gasp. "I just can't understand.... You"

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