34. Who's lying?

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I heard a husky voice and felt his body shivering with mine.

I grabbed my mobile phone to check out the time.


Damn I wanna sleep.

"Nnnnnnnno" I again heard a voice.

Rudra of course!

He was having a nightmare it seems.

"Ssshhh I'm here......" I was yawning.

But he was sweating.

"Rudra...." my voice turns seriously concerned.


"Rudra relax man..... I'm here...." I held his chin with my one hand and other was on his sweaty forehead.

"nononono" he screams a bit.

I realized that we were sleeping in the balcony.

Suddenly my phone beeps. It was a message from Vikram.

*Rudra isn't safe at all..... I can smell something fishy*


"Rudra..... Wake up...... Let's get inside."

"le-ave m-e" he was still in his nightmare.


Suddenly a paper plane enters from the balcony.

Before picking it up, I surveyed everywhere around the building, running my eyes.

The night was silently suspicious.

This reminds me of Rudra.

The moon was still shining just like it was made for him.

After analysing the suspiciousness of night, I finally picked up the paper plane.

*Rudra will be snatched away from you..... Just wait and watch*

This spreads chills in my veins.

I rushed towards my sleeping angel.

"Rudra.... Wake up.... Let's get in." I shook him.

"........" he was restless.

"Rudra please....."

Suddenly he sits up jerking me. He was all in sweat and was puffing. His honey brown orbs travels around him and then sticks glaring at a wall before him.

"Are you fine?" I placed my palm on his knuckles.

He was silent but seemed better. I made him have a glass of water.

"Let's sleep inside" I insisted cause the vibes around me has turned negative.

"No" he says.

"Rudra please."

"Fuck you Tiny."

"Firstly improve your tongue and secondly come inside to sleep. I'm not going to wait for you" I blackmailed.

I know he isn't going to follow me when I'll request him to! So I shouted on him.

I stood up from there and lied on my bed. With the corner of my eyes, I saw him looking at me with his million dollar puppy face.

I lay down and closed my eyes pretending to be sleeping.

He came to me I feel.

His essence was around me.

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