24. "Mishti"

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I rushed back to apartment and found Mr. Khurana upset about Rudra.

I remembered how dissappointed and scared and lost Rudra was when the last hour we met. And now, everything is changed within an hour!!

But where's he gone?

I called Vikram and informed everything.

"I think you are overreacting Ms. Detective"

"Have you lost it!! Rudra is no where to be found.... And you are...."

"He's not a kid for God's sake" He yells. "He's a bloody matured person"

"Mind your language"

"You are impossible!! Just see yourself!! Your boyfriend is kidnapped and you are busy in finding a ruthless jerk!!" He scolds.

And that was it. I disconnected the call.

I was so tensed.... Everything was going wrong with me. Everything!

Suddenly someone knocks and I and Mr. Khurana gets alerted.

Mr. Khurana opened the door.

It was Rudra, with a faint smile and was hung on a shoulder of a person who looked like a watchman!!

"Hi Tiny"

"Where the hell were you?" I yelled.

He looked at me, confused. And then entered inside the house.

Mr. Khurana bid a quick thanks to watchman. While I was just busy in noticing his stupidity, which made him look more attractive.

"You know Mr. Khurana was so tensed!!!!"

He sat on the floor saying "It's so fluffy!!". Seriously man he's so cute. His hair was ruffled, hanging till his brows. His eyes were clearly reflecting his innocence. And his heart catching smile were playing on his plumpy lips.

"I did not assssked Mr. Khurana to be tenssssed for meeee, did I!?"


Okay fine, he looks cute but that doesn't mean that he is allowed to irritate me always.

"Get inside, you're drunk" I ordered.

"Sshhhh.... I'm Rudra" He declares.

And on that, I and Mr. Khurana burst out laughing at his antics.

"Why you guys are laughing? I mean why?" He asks rolling his eyes on me. He was sitting on the floor, looking like a kid and making annoyed faces on me.

"Come inside" said I pulling his arms.


And I dragged him inside.

He was sitting on the couch in drawing and I went in my room, totally pissed off.

I was reading magazine, laying on the thick pillow when suddenly something fell on me.

"Get up" I fumed.



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