53. Feelings for me?

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"No.... Nnnoooo" he was getting panic attacks all again.

"Rudra" I rushed to the chair on which he was sitting.

"No... No...." His voice was husky and fast. His breath was running fast.

"It's okay.... Everything is fine" said I.

His head was now on my belly as I shook his head. Though his eyes were closed but he was restless. I need to rush to find the culprit but Rudra!

I embraced his head and tried to shush him. He wasn't crying though.

"Daaadddddd" he shouts and opens his eyes and straightens his head abruptly.

His eyes were wide open and he looked quite blank.

"It's okay" I served him a glass of water. I wanted him to cry but he didn't.

"I'm sorry...." He whispered.

"It's okay.... Do you want to sleep?" I asked.


"Never mind go and freshen up yourself"


But he just falls asleep on Mr. Khurana's bed. I was glad. He was finally feeling sleepy. Of course I never wanted him to be awake for now. So I spread the blanket over him. I hope he could grab some quality sleep.


I reached Vikram's office and asked him about the culprit. He was with his seniors and asked them to not mind me.

"Ms. Detective please wait outside" he says hiding his embarrassment.

"Ya .. okay" I rushed out.

It was evening when I get home. Everything was in vain. The culprit was almost caught but we missed him.

I was sad. I returned home and was searching for Rudra.

After a while, I found him laying in bed.

"Rudra" I called.

No response.

"What are you doing?" I asked after having a glass of water.


I realized that he was sleeping in same position as I left him with, in the morning.

"Rudra" I shook him.

He jerks himself away. He looks terrified. His eyes were red and hesitant. His hair bangs seems to be wet because of sweat. Yes, the sweat was all over his face. His body was shivering and he has stuck himself on the wall at the corner of the bed. His hands were shaking and composed on his ears, as if trying to avoid some noice.

"Rudraaa" I was worried. I ran towards him from the other side of the bed. But he dragged himself away from me.

"What happened" I asked jumping on the bed.


"Rudra" I shook him to make him look at me.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." He keeps chanting.

"Rudra... It's okay..."

"Aaaaa....." He screams while pressing his ears and squeezing his eyes.


"Don't.... Don't come near me..... Don't...." He begs.

I called Vikram and he said he was nearby. I rushed to open the door. Suddenly I heard a noice from Mr. Khurana's room, I rushed and Rudra has thrown a showpiece towards the mirror while making it shattered.

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