18. Babysitter

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"Rudra....." I caressed his hair while he was still unconscious. "I'm sorry...." a lone tear escapes out of my eyes.

"Who's gun was that?" a cold voice enters.

My eyes widened all sudden.

Mr. Khurana.

What would I say to him? That I'm a detective who's here to spy and arrest his beloved son?

"That's my licensed gun...." said I, hiding my hesitation.

And the next moment, surprised me as hell.

"Thank you so much Ms. Trisha...." said Mr. Khurana. He joined his hands and bowed in front of me.

"No please...." I held his hands in order to avoid him from doing such things. His old eyes reflected a thankfulness towards me.

I was really overwhelmed..... I mean I'm the one because of which Rudra is suffering through these.


I was feeling sorry for Rudra. But I'm also helpless..... Cause of Harsh! I can't lose Harsh in anyway.

Rudra was discharged now. Not because he has recovered but because I didn't felt safe for him to let him in hospital.

They made him lay on his bed and left after assuring me that everything was fine. No hospital staffs were at home now as for the security purpose. Mr. Khurana has also been given medicines and was taking rest in his room.


It was 2am. When I opened my eyes and found Rudra, on his bed, in his deep slumber.

I was feeling so very hungry and so proceeded to kitchen, to have something for my tummy.

As I was busy in searching for something, suddenly a noise was heard, as if something fell inside Rudra's room. I mean in my room, or..... Whatever.

I rushed inside as soon as possible.

"Nooooo" He threw the nearby stuffs on his side table. He was all sweaty and hell scared about something.

Hell scared about something?

His nightmares?

"Rudra...." I rushed to him.

He was shivering badly.

"What happened? Is anyone here?" asked I, cause I thought may be he was scared of today's incident.

"Rudra" I stroked his hair, carefully, as not with the intention of hurting his bandaged head.

His eyes were painful and was brimming thick watery layers which were making his hazel brown orbs more attractive. His lips were quivering as if trying to say something.

It's really painful to watch him like this, so disgusted, so scared, so helpless.

"She......She....was......Killed" He whispers with a fresh bunch of tears rolling down his cheeks.

I can feel him shaking in my embrace. He was so scared, but for what?

"What are you talking about Rudra?" asked I pulling up his chin to make an eye contact with him. His eyes were bloodshot and were filled with terror.

"Shheee....was...ki...kill...killed....." He complained like a kid.

I must admit, his every action attracts me more towards him, like seriously.

"Okay sleep now Rudra, you need to rest" I caressed his head while he abruptly buried his face in my neck. 

"They.....Killed.....her" He cries. His hot tears were making it way from my skin.

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