I wonder what he's doing now?

If he's smiling again..


Ah... it's the weekend!

I'm meeting Minho today and we are going to the markets to look at the food stools.

I wonder if Chan made me breakfast? Also I wonder what he was on about yesterday? Will I smile today...

For some reason I'm excited. Maybe he's done something special for me..

I hop out of bed and get ready. I might as well look cute.

I walk out of my room and it was oddly quiet... I walk to the kitchen and notice no ones there.. huh?

What's that?

I walk over to the counter where there was some food and a note.

The food was my favourite waffles and berries... he remembered? I felt a small smile creep onto my face as I looked at the sweet treat.

I then looked at the note. Which said.

'All my life I've been chasing this one dream of mine....
It consumed my every thought, my every action, my every goal.

It was odd because this dream I had been chasing wasn't just a dream it was a person that was like a dream.

The first time I had seen this person their smile lit up the whole room and it lit something in my heart. After that day I thought about that person even though I knew nothing about them... sounds useless doesn't it? I saw this person once and I was already hooked... but one day a miracle occurred and that dream like person was stood outside my door.

That person was you, Felix... you are that dream I had been chasing.

I felt my heart set on fire as I read Chan's words. I never knew chan could be so romantic...

I have to find him. Where is he?

I ran into his room and-

It was empty.. huh? Why was it-


What is going on? I walk over to the door and open it Minho comes rushing looking all over the place. I was worried about my friend as he looked like he had been crying he was sniffling and had red eyes.

"What's wrong Minho?"

"Where is he? Where's chan?! They have to be here! It can't be true!"

Minho shouted and I was concerned and confused.

"What's happened Minho? Chan isn't here and his stuffs all gone.. Minho?"

Minho stops and looks at me worriedly.. he runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry Felix..."

Minho began to cry into my shoulder.

"Minho what's wrong something has to be wrong for you to cry like this.."

Minho never cried. I was getting extremely worried now...

"Did you not get a note?"

I looked over to the counter where the note laid.

"Yeah I've read it... chan is so romantic."

I grab it and show Minho. Minho then sighs sadly before turning the note around and showing me the other side.

"I'm sorry Felix... look"

I took the note and read the back..

But after chasing you I forgot about my other dreams.. my dreams of becoming someone.

My dreams of becoming a serious musician and songwriter...

I think I've chased you away Felix... you are a dream that is meant to stay in my dreams...

but music. 3RACHA and I want to make our dream come true whilst we can.

I'm sorry I left you like this... but if I left any other way I think I would hurt you and myself more.

I'll see you around...




Minho's hand rested on my shoulder.

That's the only thing I could feel..

"I'm going to go to bed..."

"Felix.. no. We need to find them."

I looked at the note once more and I felt empty..

"You saw what he wrote.. I'm just a dream... he has other dreams Minho. If I go to find him I would be stopping him from achieving his other dreams..."

He finally gave up?

Maybe I should too...

3rd person:

Minho and Felix spent hours, upon days, upon weeks, upon months staying with each other and living with each other. They were both broken, but in different ways.

Minho was able to contact Jisung because he kept his phone number, so they could still keep in contacts. However Jisung never disclosed where the boys where.

Even if Minho begged and pleaded even cried down the phone to know where his Jisung was, Jisung would refuse and hang up.

However Felix wasn't able to see or talk to chan. Felix took this hard, harder than Minho.

Felix never realised what chan truly meant to him. He felt like this was his fault. If he just accepted his feelings for chan he would still be here in Felix's arms and life would be fine..

"Felix? Hey Felix? Your shift is over you can go home now"

Felix broke out of his daze as he realised he was still at work. He guessed he blanked out whilst signing out.

"Oh sorry. I'll head home. See you later."

It was correct to say Felix was never himself. He would always go to Hyunjin's to cry or to just sit in silence.

Hyunjin was scared for his friend, but he couldn't do anything about it. Felix wouldn't talk.

Also on top of Hyunjin having trouble with Felix, he kept his heartbreak inside. Hyunjin and Seungmin broke up and Hyunjin has been hiding from Felix as he knows the younger will be sad to hear that, so every time Felix comes over Hyunjin just tells felix he's gone out.

In reality Hyunjin is broken, but he's staying strong for his friend.

"Minho I'm back.."

Felix made it home and crashed on the sofa.

As Felix say in the sofa he realised he didn't receive a reply from Minho which was odd. He went to his room and opened the door.

"Hey Minho I-"

"Felix I-"


My only possession (chanlix)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin