"I-I didn't do it...!! I just did what the young lady ordered me to do!!", Helen desperately yelled to clear up the attendants' misunderstanding.

That was stupid of her to say that it was a command that came from me.

No matter how many look at the situation, I would get considered as the victim because I was the one in pain. And the fact that Helen was the only one with me before this happened made it clear for anybody that she was the culprit of this incident.


No one would dare to blame the lady of the Shevaria Family.

If I were to be blamed in this occurrence even when I was the one who got hit, the Duke would feel offended since it would seem like I was wronged.

And the servants that voted for Helen's words would be given of a punishment. In addition, them, being fired or kicked out from the mansion would also be very possible.

That is why, I am in the upper-hand in this development.

Whether the others would side with me or not, because of the Duke's backup, I have gained a win-win situation.

That was why the witnesses of this incident mostly agreed that Helen was the one in wrong. And hence, they would never even consider to agree with what she spouted to clear their suspicion.

And now that I could hear heavy, familiar footsteps that were approaching this place, I thought with a sense of satisfaction,

This is the end of you, Helen.

"JUST WHOM OF YOU BRAZENLY LAID THEIR HANDS ON MY DAUGHTER.", a man's voice abruptly interrupted in the midst of our ruckus.

After a short while of patience, at last, he came to make the final approach to complete my plans.

The Duke of Shevaria has finally made his appearance.

As soon as he arrived, the attendants that gathered there bowed with respect and opened a clear way for him to enter the main stage that everyone made a fuss of.

"Papa...", I called him as I sniffed while acting pitiful in front of his eyes.

At first, he frowned. Most likely because he felt anxiety once he took glimpse of my left cheek that became all red.

Then, he quickly went by my side and embraced me with his warmth that attempted to comfort me.

And as he gently caressed me by patting my head, he whispered,

"It's going to be okay now-"

"M-master...! Please grant me justice! I was wronged here!!", Helen foolishly persisted, thinking that the Duke would still believe her up to this point.

Ahh... Poor Helen. Even though this was her first day serving me as my personal handmaiden.

But, this was something that needed to be done.

Because even if the Duke favored me at present, there was no guarantee that this would last forever.

Eventually, he will accept the truth on his own. And when that time comes, I will be abandoned once more. Therefore, I needed to take care of those that would bring me down in the near future.

This is for the sake of my safety, and revenge in one way.

As the Duke stood and carried me in his grasp to calm me down, I leaned on his chest and I was soothed by him.

Perhaps, I was also influenced by current my age that I easily got attached of being spoiled that way. But, it was a matter of fact that I was exhausted because of the happenings. And so, I've let it be to take a rest, somehow.

Then the Duke, realizing this, he considerately put an end to the farce for my sake.

"All of you are now dismissed, but one should go and call for the medic. And lastly, Helen Smythe."


"Get out of this mansion.", he ordered straightforwardly.

Once Helen perceived the master's phrase, she widened her eyes that gazed at us two with great shock.

"No- I was wronged...", she uttered with a low voice, then after one moment, she protested, hoping that she could still persuade the man in front of her.

"It was the lady!! The lady did it to herself!!!"

*Whack!!* A loud sound that was identical to a clap's suddenly reached my ears.

Before knowing, Wendell already slapped the maid that persistently wished for his mercy.

"You think my child would want to taste a hitting that is as painful as that? Don't you dare accuse her as the perpetrator when she's clearly the victim!", he said while being enraged of the maid's condemnation.

"Get out of this place! NOW!!", he shouted to the Helen that immediately ran away with fear.

And when only the Duke and I were left in the setting, I broke the awkward silence that surrounded the two of us.

"Thank you... papa.", I murmured with my head that still leaned at him.

Yes. Thank you...

For being such a convenient tool.



♣Some might not have seen it yet but this story's title,"I've Made Up My Mind! From Now On, I'll Stay Quiet As Much As Possible!" has been changed to-

"I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!"

♣And as for the reason; It's because I thought it would be better if it's shorter and it would be more suitable to the flow of the story.~ And thus, from here and then, we'll continue using the new title. owo)b

That's all, thank you. (And thank you very much for everyone's support X3)~

PS: I'll do my best to make this series better from now on.~

                                   -Misha Bonnellac-

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя