The Talk!! Finally!!

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Yesterday was a lovely day to be honest. For the first time I slept well, I was content with how everything has been going. Emily kept calling Jay and I every two hours. She couldn't keep her excitement at bay. Who would blame her anyway, that was a beautiful moment for all of us. I should really make sure that when Zende finally proposes he records the entire..
Wait what?
Why am I even thinking about getting married to Zende.
I still have not talked to him yet. After everyone left yesterday we cleared everything and then we spent  the rest of the night with the trips. We couldn't get them to sleep no matter how much we tried. They finally decided to sleep at around 2 in the morning and by then Zende and I were so tired. We just retired to our beds.
Well I hope today would be the day we could finally talk and see the way forward. I do have a lot of questions I need answered.

After showering and putting on a yellow sun dress, I go to the trips room to check if they were up yet. I checked the clock and it was 0830. I'm waking them up, they need to be fed and bathed. I think we should take them to park for some needed outing we have been cooped up in this house for a while and I think it's time we go out.
What I do not know is if I should have that talk with Zende before we go to the park or afterwards. I think after would be best.
I go to bathroom connected with their room so I can run the bath for them.
Zende loves bathing them all together at the same time but I bath them one at a time, and I can not help it, I change the water after I bath each of them.

I wake up Phoebe first this time. She is cranky this morning. I finish bathing her and as I put her diapers on Zende walks in to the room holding three milk bottles. I feel a rush of emotion, what would I do without him though.

He walks to were I'm standing and I can not help but hold my breath.He smells so good. What is wrong with me. This started ever since I decided that I would give him a chance yesterday during dinner.
He leans down and gives Phoebe a kiss on her forehead.

"good morning my princess" he smiles at her, Phoebe gives her dad a a huge grin and lifts her hands up so her dad can lift her up.
"I can bath the Dylan and Jayden if you like. Or I could finish up here with Phoebe while you bath the boys" he says looking at me.

"Noo, you can finish dressing Phoebe, I can bath Jayden then Dylan last, I was thinking we could take them to the park for a picnic or something after breakfast. Maybe around 11am, oh and I want to talk to you about something if you do not mind."

"that's a great idea, I mean going to the park. I think I should bath the boys, you are going to take a long time bathing them obviously. You can bottlefeed Phoebe, I brought up their milk bottles. And Mandy, that's all I ever wanted, I want us to move forward you know, so I am looking forward to that talk"he smiles at me and turns to pick up Dylan and Jayden.

After the trips have all eaten, we go down stairs so Zende and I could have our own breakfast and so that we can prepare for our picnic.
The other reason I wanted to take the trips out was so we could tire them out so they can sleep and Zende and I could finally have that talk.
It's 2pm when we finally get back from the park and together we go put them in their beds.

Zende and I go downstairs, we can talk while I prepare our lunch.

"Zende, I was thinking we should really think about putting the trips in separate rooms. They are growing up and I don't want them to be too attached to each other. What do you think about that" I look up and I find him standing by the kitchen door fidgeting.

"What's wrong" I enquire

"I do not know what you are going to talk to me about exactly, so I do not know if this is going to work in my favor or not. Can we have that talk first and then we can talk about the sleeping arrangement afterwards because I have another suggestion in mind about everything. "

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