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Dedicated to @mamacheeta and @pulendran

Amanda's POV

I arrive at home and I immediately start packing my clothes. I just hope Emily doesn't get  back while I am still packing my stuff. I know she won't understand this, or maybe she will but I don't want to take any chances in her changing my mind. I really want to see where this thing between Zende and I will go. For once I want to make my own decision and this is me making it. Just as I finish packing I hear the front door opening then closing.

I guess Em is back, I head down stairs.
"Hey Ems.""Hey baby."Ems replies.
" So like I'm moving out today" I say really quickly.
"Where are you moving too?" She asks,
"Umm well, I met this other guy some time back and I'm moving in with him."
"Oh" she says
"Huh!that's all you are going to say, wow, that went really better than I thought"
"Are you sure about this Mandy?"
Oh here we go.
"You know you can't trust people you meet everywhere, you know stranger danger, that wasn't just invented for no reason." I roll my eyes
"Em, I'm sure that was meant for 2 year olds"

I  suddenly feel bad because i know she is just trying to help so i try to explain things to her.

"Emily you remember that guy who gave me his number last week?well he asked me to move in with him so we can explore the attraction between us a bit more" i say.

"Mandy you dont know this man well enough, all we know is what has been provided by the internet and thats not much also. He is always seen with different women all the time and we have no idea about his personal life because he doesnt share that part of him, what if he is married for crying out loud or he is sadist?what then? I do not think its wise to just move in with him honestly"

"Ems i just want to live life for once. I want to act crazy and not think of the consequences, I want to experience things i have never experienced so please support me in this. If things do not turn out well I will heal. I have you as my best friend to fall back too. Also i will be quiting my job also, he wants to quit my job so I focus on this between us."

"Quit, did you say quit, you agreed to all that, you want to lose your independence, you just got it back and you want another man to control your life again. How is this different from how your life has been with your dad. Im really disappointed in you Mandy. I am telling you this is going to blow up in your face"

I am getting irritated right now, why can't she just support me. I know the job issue is a bit drastic but its not like i have always dreamed of being a waitress, I mean come on
So its not like im missing out or anything.

"Emily i want to focus on my acting career, me quitting my job does not mean i will be a house girlfriend or anything."

"Girlfriend?do you think you are his girlfriend?Dy we both know he doesnt do girlfriends, so you dont mind sharing him then?We both know men like him do not keep just one girlfriend. They have multiple partners. Please do not expect roses and flowers from him because you will be very disappointed in the end"

" Emily why can't you just be happy for me? I finally found someone i want to have a physical relationship with. Thats something right?"

"Mandy youre really naive if you think you will be able to handle a no strings attached kind of situation. You deserve more than just a sexual relationship,you deserve to be serenated,you deserve to be loved wholeheartedly, you deserve to be involved with someone who sees you and you alone. You deserve the kind of love your mother had with your dad"
Emily is crying at the end of her speech and I am crying also because thats what I have always wanted and I shared that with her all through college.

" But what if i can get all that from him, he is the first person that i have actually been interested in, you know this. please Emily, let me just explore this with Zende and if it does not work out then i will come back home. I will still be helping with the bills so you do not feel overwhelmed"

"I do not care about bills Amanda, you know i can afford all this."

"Can you please support me in this please. I am going to move out whether you agreee or not but it make everything easier if we were on the same page."

"Well i cannot stop you from making your decision since you are an adult. I wont say anything much but dont say i didnt tell you"

"Emily you are not my mother, so please acting like you are" i say. I am getting pissed.

Just as Em was about to open her mouth obviously to say more on this topic, the door bell rang, I guess that's Zende at the door. I can't help but get butterflies in my tummy. I mean who wouldn't Zende is a very handsome man. I go upstairs to get my bags and they are heavier than I thought.
"Em I will be back during weekends obviously, I'm still in the city you know, love you."
"I hope you know what you are doing Mandy, I hope this doesn't blow up in your face."
I don't even bother to reply to her comment.
I open the door and wave at her then close it behind me.
It's the driver picking me up and not Zende. I can't help but be a little bit disappointed. Well at least I will see him when I get to his place.

The book is finally getting edited and what do you guys think so far???

Please do
Much love

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