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I feel lonely all of a sudden, my family left this morning. My dad, step mom and my brother's left last week.
They came the following day after I came home. My dad felt bad he couldn't come the day my water broke but there was a problem in his company  apparently there a mole in the company who was selling his plans and what's worse is the person stole a plan from another company and now my dad was stressed since he found out he built a mall using someone else's idea.
I'm just happy I'm not there, so I understood why they had to come a week later once things were sorted.

When they arrived there was so much tension between my dad, brothers and Zende that I asked him to go back to his house since I had enough help.
He didn't want to but it was a losing battle. My family came first obviously, he only came for a few hours and left each day until my family left. I think everything was better when my dad and Zende by the time they left.
I wasn't interested in knowing why Zende didn't like my dad when he saw him. He moved back in the day they left saying he knows I'm going to need help again. Betty wanted to stay but my dad needs her more and I have more than enough help here.

I need to buy an electric breast pump, I realized feeding time is the best time to bond with my babies. I want Zende to experience the same thing also. He keeps asking me if he could sit in when I'm breastfeeding the crew but I feel that would be too intimate, too personal for my liking and I can't do that.
It's been over a month already since the triplets have been born and Zende has been a huge help. I don't think I would have been able to handle them alone. Emily comes over when she has time and so does Jay.

Jay agreed to accompany me to buy breast pumps so everyone can feed them even when I'm not around.
We are just walking around the mall now while Jay pushes the stroller with my kids inside.
Jay wants to buy a gift for his man so I'm helping him look for it since we found the breast pump we were looking for.

"When are you coming back to work Mands? It's honestly not the same without you, I mean you can bring the babies along, I love having them around, you know this."

"Jay we already talked about this, I'm coming back when the trips are over four months old, right now they need my full attention. You can bring some work to my house if it's too much work, you know I love theater and I'm willing and able to help you write plays, we can brainstorm on new ideas together. "

" You know it's not that, it's just lonely without you, there is no one to eat pancakes with me all day. They aren't the same anymore since I'm not fighting with you over who gets the last pancake."

I don't know what to say, but I just know that my kids need me more at the moment. But I understand we're he is coming from. We had formed a great bond and I miss him also so much especially when Zende goes to work.
Zende goes for a few hours twice in a week. I mean he is the boss of a large company so he can not take a paternity leave.

I hate to admit it but he is a great father to trips.
He helps with everything so I don't feel overwhelmed.
I now see I wouldn't have been able to cope on my own, but there is no way I'm telling him that.

I still haven't forgiven him for how he treated me, I still don't know what I did to deserve that kind of treatment and I'm not about to ask.

"Earth to Mandy! What are you thinking about, or better yet who are you thinking of. So are you going to to tell me why you suddenly decided to need breast pumps? Does it have anything to do with a certain handsome guy you stay with?"
He says with a knowing smile.

" He doesn't stay with me Jay and you know it's temporary, I just can't push him away, he already knows about the kids and I'm not up for a court battle over visitation rights so I figured it would be better to just compromise for now and I do need his help with them. I love them to death but they wear me out a lot so with him there I can get a few hours of sleep everyday. "

" Why the long ass speech Mandy, I didn't say anything that required such a great explanation"
He is now laughing at me, and I can't help but glare.

"But how is it living with him" temporarily"as you put it, "he enquires

" it's really awkward most times, I mean I sometimes feel so much anger towards him, but I can't really say I hate him because he did help in creating these beautiful and precious trips of mine, but I sometimes get so angry when I look at him because of what he did to me. He even knows not to come in my room ever, unless it's to wake me up to feed the trips you know.
He stays in his room and I stay in mine.
The trips are sharing a room right now up until they are old enough to have individual bedrooms.
We moved their things upstairs after I felt better and I could move around the house with out feeling great pain from the operation, it's also easier to get to them faster when they cry in the middle of the night.

"Mands, I can't begin to imagine the kind of pain you are feeling. But then you have to forgive him someday, you don't want your children to grow up and realize you despise their father, thats wouldn't be good for the children. I know he hurt you, but maybe it's time to move on.
At your own pace though, no pressure.
I'm not saying become best friends and start sharing secrets or anything but try being civil for the sake of the children."

" Maybe one day Jay, right now I just appreciate his help, I'm trying also, I'm getting breast pumps so he can help feed the children so he gets to bond with them more even during feeding, and so he can help me feed them as now I alternate them during feeding time. "

" Well, that's a step in the right direction I guess. Anyway, there isn't anything here I can get for Bradley, so I will find something else to give him for our anniversary next week. I can't believe it's been over 2 years since we starting dating. We are celebrating 3 years next week Saturday."

" Well you two deserve to be happy, I still wonder how I'm going to act when I meet Zende's parents, after the way you told me they treated you, I'm just not looking forward to that, Zende has been asking me if they could come over or if we can go to their house, but I'm just not ready to meet the parents yet, you feel me"

"Well maybe you will have a better experience, I mean the reasons, I think that is, that they gave me such a cold welcome was because I wasn't what they were expecting. Maybe they thought their son should be with someone who is just as brilliant or rich as him. I don't know or maybe because of my sexuality, who knows"

"you remember I'm not rich right? And I work for you, how am I a step up from you? again it's my dad's money not mine?".

"Well you gave them their first grandchildren so that's something right? Most parents want grandchildren and you did that so I'm sure its going to be just fine.
Just you wait and see,"

"well we will see when we cross that bridge then, well Emily wants to come over to see the children later so I better get home so I can get the trips ready for the play date of sorts. They need their afternoon nap or they are going to be really cranky later. "
Jay smiles at me and before I can ask him what the smile is about he speaks.

" You're a great mother Mandy. Motherhood suits you so well and you seem happy, you are happy I just sometimes wish I could be able to give Bradley kids one day. I know there is adoption but I just feel he deserves his flash and blood you know."

"You do know there are ways for you guys to have children who are you flesh and blood right. Surrogacy Jay, ever heard of that.
You just find a fertility clinic and a willing surrogate to carry either yours or Bradley's DNA. Everything is possible you know this. You can get everything you want these days. We are living in the 21st century you know. "

" I love you Mands, see why I miss you at work, I just need your brilliance around me"and he laughs again and I know everything is going to be fine.

"I love you more Jay, can you help me to the car so we can secure these guys in their car seats."
"it's also almost their feeding time so I better get home where there is enough privacy, I don't want to shock everyone here now do I, "
I say this looking down at my bundles of joy.


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