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After packing all my bags and calling a cab, i decide to atleast write letters to my brothers. I'm old school that way because i know one would ask why i did not just text them that i was leaving or something.
I mean i was not planning on leaving today but some things are beyond our control.
Im sure my mother will be proud that i am making my dreams come true. She always said i was the dreamer of the family so I'm only doing what she always wanted for me.

First letter
Dear Mark

I know you will probably be in shock when you read this letter but i have decided to follow my dreams and move to Johannesburg, Dad is mad at me and he is threatening to disown me, i do not know how true that is but I have decided to just do what mom would have wanted for me. You know mom wanted us to follow our dreams. i know you wanted to be a pilot and Dad made you change your plans and study business management so you can become the CEO, but i can not let Dad dictate my life anymore. I hope you will be proud of me for standing up to dad.

I love you Mark

P.S your stack of italian chocolate is behind mom's mural painting in Dad's office.

Second letter

Dear Marcos

By the time you read this i will be gone,okay that sounded like I'm planning to harm myself🤣. Thats not the case though, i have just decided to go to Johannesburg and try acting out. I think you would understand my love for theater most because you always came to all my plays no matter what after mom passed. You have always been my rock. Please do take care of dad and Mark for me.
You can still call me you know, im not disappearing from the face of the earth.

I love you


I finally arrived in Jo'burg and I see my best friend Emily waiting for me outside the airport as always she is all smiles. She is such a happy and bubbly person but that doesn't mean she is doormat or anything.
Emily and I met at college four years back. She was my room mate back in college. She majored in art and she now works at a restaurant while she is waiting for her talents to be discovered and let me tell you, she really is a great artist.

Anyway I see she is really happy to see me,we hug and we go to her car and head to her apartment. Emily stays in a two bedroomed flat. It is surprisingly really spacious. The last time I visited her she was staying in a smaller apartment with only one bedroom.

We finally arrive and I decide to take out my phone to check how much money I have left in my bank account so that I can at least buy a small apartment here.
"He wouldn't" I scream. I am in disbelief. " Mandy what's wrong"Emily asks with concern laced in her voice

"Em my dad froze my bank account, I can't believe he did that, is he really that angry with me that I came here,does that mean he was serious about disowning me"
I cover my face with my hands as I feel my eyes getting teary I can not believe my dad would actually do that to me.

"Mandy I'm so sorry, I told you, you can stay with me as long as you want okay,we are best friends right? And that's what best friends do,help each other out"she says.
"Thank you Ems, what would I do without you but I do not want to be a burden. Maybe I could go back home and beg for his forgiveness. My father can not be serious about the whole disowning thing right? I thought that only happened in movies."

"Why don't you go freshen up and I will cook something, I bet you are really tired.we can talk some more after you're done. I am sure your father is just angry right now, everything will work out."

"thanks Emily"

"Oh let me show you to your room, there is a bathroom in there too. Well the good thing is we won't be sharing a bathroom.
I know how you love to take long and I mean really long showers" she says with a smile.

I do take a long time in the shower. That's my thinking space, that's the one place I reflect about everything in my life. I know everyone does it, that's the place where I win imaginary arguments too.

I finish showering and I put on my favourite pink PJs since it's already late. " Mandy the food is ready."
"Okay Em I will be right down." I get down and we sit at the dining table and eat some amazing food.
" Wow your cooking skills have improved, I remember in college I always had to cook and you did the dishes"

We both laugh at that, the good old days, the time when we were not worrying about anything else but getting good marks in school. Now all that is over, we are in the real world. We have to worry about so many things like paying for utilities, rent and everything else. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to when I was a little girl, just sit on my mother laps while playing with her beautiful hair.

We finish eating and we decide to call it a night since I had an audition to go to the following day.

I hope I get the part, when I sent the company my audition video they said I have great potential and I should come to the live auditions in Johannesburg. It would be a shame if I do not get it since the whole point I am here is for this part. I really hope I will not be this nervous tomorrow, this is really my dream. A dream that will become a reality tomorrow morning.

Working in theater has always been a dream of mine growing up. I always loved watching videos of my mom back in high school and university on stage.

My dad says he went to one of the university theaters one night since there was a show that night. That is were he saw my mom on stage acting out Romeo and Juliet. He says it was love at first sight.

My mom was always in school shows and I guess I want to feel close to her by following in her footsteps. She really was a good actress, she decided to stop acting when she fell pregnant with my oldest brother.
So I want to live out her dream for her and mostly for me.
She left us too soon honestly, so this is for you mom.

Heyy guys
I know the first chapters are a bit short, but they will get longer in time.

Please feel free to
Much love

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