Am I Even Staying(EDITED)

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I get into the limousine that Zende sent to come pick me up as the driver puts my bags into the car.
I wait for him to get back into the drivers sit before i ask him.
"Why didn't Zende come and pick me up himself?"I ask.
" I don't know madam, I was instructed by Mr Gerty to come pick you up, I didn't ask anything else"
" okay, I will ask him myself when I see him," i conclude

We finally arrive at a place with a huge black gate after traveling for close to 40 minutes, this is the surburbs of Johannesburg.
I see the driver punching in a code by the gate and then the gate finally opens.

We get inside and I see a fairly big double storey house, which is not too big, after I saw Zende's offices I thought his house would be much bigger than this to complete the whole billionaire lifestyle.

Well I guess that is what I get for judging a book by the cover.
I open the door, and start looking around. I see a swimming pool by the left side of the house and this gets me super excited since I love swimming. That's one of the few things i miss about my dad's house.
The heated pool, i wonder if its heated also because it is getting kind of chilly

A lady with grey hair opens the door and ushers me in just as I was about to knock on the door.
She greets me and tells me she is the House keeper, that her name is Cindy and that she comes only on weekends to clean the entire house.
She then proceeds to show me the house, I can't help but admire it, it seems bare though, and I start to wonder why Zende doesn't have personal pictures of his family and of himself because I just see paintings on the walls. After she shows me the living area, which does not look homey at all, the couches seem very uncomfortable. Its the showcase type of furniture which pulls the room together but does nothing to make you feel welcome. Next she showed me dining room and the kitchen, the kitchen has to be my favourite place, i do not cook all that much but i should start learning more complex dishes so i can cook for the both of us.I mean Cindy did say she comes weekends only, i wonder what he eats everyday. I move to the fridge and besides bottles of water it's empty.I devide to explore more soon.

She takes me upstairs and directs me to the master bedroom.
"Okay thank you Cindy, I will take it from here"
I say as I enter the bedroom, I go to the bathroom so that I can start putting my toiletries away. I open the first cupboard and I find it empty. Where are Zende's personal stuff? I ask myself, or  won't we be sharing a bedroom or something? That would be weird though, i would rather move back to my place with Emily than move for someone who does not sleep in the same area as I do. I stop on my tracks as something clicks in my mind, what if he does not live here, he might have another house in the city and this is the house were his mistresses stay. It would explain the lack of personal pictures all over the house. That doesn't exactly sit well with me. 
I would hate to move back right thus very moment but if that's the case I will just have to put my pride aside and move back home.

The bedroom is really beautiful. There are two walk in closets in this bed room, a his and hers vanity, this is every female's dream bedroom.
Shoild i start unpacking my clothes?what if i end up not staying here after i get all the answers.

What the heck have i gotten myself into. Emily was probably right honestly.

So what should I do now?maybe explore the other bedrooms to kill time?or maybe I should take a bath while i wait for the master of this house.

To be honest I thought I will find him here waiting for me. I should really stop assuming that he feels something for me because he clearly does not feel a thing.
Its all physical for him.

I decide to call Emily to kill time, it's still early and I don't like how Emily and I and left things. She is the sister I never had and I hate that we had an argument over a guy.

The phone rings for a few seconds before it gets rejected.
Is she really that mad at me, I decide to call again and the same thing happens.
Well I would be damned, I know I was kind of mean but I didn't think she would be this mad at me.
Let me just text her then she can text back when she wants to talk to me.

Hey Ems
Look I'm so sorry for how I talked to you okay. Please forgive me
I hate that I had an argument with you. You know I love you and I value your opinion but I'm just trying to spread my wings for once and be spontaneous.
If things don't work out with me and Zende that would be fine too.
But at least I would have tried.
I'm sorry for the hurtful words I said to you but please get back to me when you can please.
I just want to thank you all for taking a change on my book. It means a lot to me.

Much love....

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