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I have been working with Jamey for the past four months and it has been the best months of my life. I am now 6 months pregnant and pregnancy has been treating me well so far. Well, except for when I was on my third month, that was the worst month ever.

I had serious morning, day and night sickness, my doctor even told me I was dehydrated and I even had to stay in hospital for two days under observation while getting a drip to hydrate my body.

I had another ultrasound when I was on my third month and Jamey bless his heart escorted me to my appointments since I was a hot mess.
I would feel dizzy at the oddest times so he made sure to check on me all the time.

If it wasn't for Jamey, Emily and Pete I don't know what I would have done.
But then on my fourth month things started turning up. My morning sickness stopped and I have been healthy ever since.

The only problem is that I'm always running to the toilet everytime, I guess that's what I get for carrying triplets.

Pete moved in with us last month and it was nice having a male in the house, he helped around the house a lot. I love seeing Emily this happy honestly.
I know I'm always welcome there since we had a talk before Pete moved in.
But I feel they need time to be free around the house and not always have to walk on egg shells when I'm around

Jamey and I have grown really close, he is another person I know I can count on, his boyfriend is just as loving as Jamey is but he has a fierce look, he is someone I wouldnt want to mess with. He loves Jamey so much and I can tell it's just a matter of time before he proposes to Jamey. I sometimes find him staring at Jamey with so much love in his eyes.

I sometimes get envious of my two best friends though, it's just sad how nothing ever goes right in my life, but atleast now I know I have my children who I will love unconditionally and I know they will love me too there is nothing I need more.

Sometimes I sleep at Jamey's place  just so I can give Emily and her man space just so I don't overwhelm them.

I have been looking at houses on the market and I have to go see 3 houses today with Jamey after lunch.
I am in the theater now and it's almost lunch time, I head on upstairs to Jamey's office to get him so we go out for lunch and they go see the potential house for my kids and I.

"Jay, get your ass out of that chair and let's get moving, you know time waits for no man" I say this outside his door since it's a glass door and I mean he can see me.
"Who is it??"
"Really Jay, really?? Is that even necessary, you can see me"
"I should really hire a personal assistant"
"An assistant for what Jay, all you have to do is look up from your computer and see who is at the door, why are we even having this conversation while I'm outside your office again"
"I still don't know who is at the door, so announce yourself"
"I am so not doing that" I try to open the door and I find it locked, I look up at his face and I see him smirking and then the sticks his tongue out at me.
"I knew you would do that, I told you I am always one step ahead of you, now announce yourself"
"You are so annoying Jay, I am not saying all those silly stuff you want everyone to say before entering your office"
"well I guess you just stay right out there while I enjoy my lunch and it's pancakes"
He takes out a paperbag and I see it's my favorite pancakea  from the pastry shop Jamey's friend owns.
"Now was that so hard to say," he says.

"You have no freaking idea"
He finally gets up and unlocks the door.

"You still want us to go for lunch or should we just eat the pancakes and go house hunting"
"you do realise that pancakes are suppose to be consumed in the morning right? And it's mid afternoon"I state.

"so what I'm hearing is you don't want any of the pancakes"

"what the hack, I brought whipped cream, give me some, we are still going for lunch afterwards though, I want a big, fat, medium raw juicy.... Steak, medium raw steak"
"what the fuck is wrong with you Mandy, I thought you where going to say something dirty for once in your boring life."
I laugh so hard that I end up tearing up
"Can we eat so we can go, don't forget we have to buy furniture too before the end of this week so that we focus solemnly on the play which is in 8 weeks hopefully I won't give birth that night."
"yeah let's hope so, I mean I do want my God children but can they not spoil my night"
He stands up and comes to my side of the table
"you hear me, my babies, don't ruin my show" he says this whole holding my tummy and just as he is about to let go we feel a kick under his hands.
"I knew your kids are brilliant, just like their mother, so you are not going to tell me who their father is?? Even now Mandy"
"nope, you are lucky I told you my story. I still don't know why I was tossed out like I was dirt under his feet"

Even Emily doesn't know him even though Pete works for him, but I'm pretty sure Pete has shown her his pictures but they never talk about him or atleast when I'm around and I'm grateful for that.
"Fine,I won't ask anymore,  let's get out of here"
"wait, one last piece of pancake okay"

We head downstairs and take Jamey's car.
"how is your dad"
"we are trying to fix things now, he apologized for what he said about disowning me and he is actually happy about the babies, he wants me to come back home so my family can help me with the babies, but my life is here. So I really don't know, I know when I get the house I will practically be staying alone, so I am considering going there for the first 3 months atleast so my family can help me you know"
"you know you won't be alone here, you have me, Emily and Bradley oh and Pete, so are you going to tell the father of the children??
"can we not get into that right now, but just so there ain't any assumptions, no I'm not telling him shit, he can rot in hell for all I care"
"huh!!, so bitter, you still care about him, but let's drop it and focus on finding the perfect house for you and your minions"
"Don't call my babies minions"
"they are my little minions, case closed"


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