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I have never experienced such a heated kiss before.
I have never in my entire life met a man who kissed me with such passion, not that I have much experience with men.
I mean I didn't even date that much back in college.
Zende picks me up and he sits on the sofa while I sit on top of him. I know for a fact he is going to ruin me for other men. If you experience something this mind blowing then you end up getting disappointed by every other guy out there.
I know I have not had sex before but I have been kissed before and it was nothing like this.
I could feel his erection growing and it was really turning me on. Feeling that made me more confident, I was responsible for making him feel this way. Little old Mandy is making a whole billionare hard.i cant help but feel on top of the world.
He started kissing my neck very slowly, just light kissing from my collar bone up to the corner of my mouth.
He was making me crazy with his kisses.
Everything felt so intense, Oh my word, he went back to kissing my mouth thoroughly if I may add while stroking my nipples, the added clothing made the stroking more intense. "More" was that my voice,it sounded needy and desperate. I thought my nipples were taut before but I guess I was wrong. I realised i was leaning into his hands as i wanted him to continue rubbing my nipples.
I started rubbing my hand against his erection and that just made me more crazier. He groans into my mouth and i think im doing something right. Just as Zende started unzipping my dress there was a knock at the door.
I immediately got up from his laps and started fixing my dress.
"That's not going to help you know, you look like someone who had been thoroughly fucked, just looking at you like this makes me want to send who ever is knocking away."

I blush, I have never had such a wild experience, I can't believe I was about to have sex in an office, on a sofa, while anyone could have walked in. What has gotten into me. Am I really ready for all these feelings though, maybe this is how sex is for everyone I mean I haven't had sex with anyone before.
But all the romance novels I have read before didn't prepare me for these kinds of feelings.
"Mandy , there is a bathroom behind that door", he points to a door I saw when I arrived earlier on. I rush there while he gets up to open his office door.
I get into the bathroom and close the door. I lean against the door amd lightly touch my lips. Did that just happen? I grin like a crazy person since this was the first time i felt like this over a make out session.I know for a fact I would not have stopped him if he wanted to go all the way.
I would came here a virgin and left as an experienced lady.
I then walk further into the room and I see the beauty around me. There is a glass closet on my right and i see a few suits there, further right is a shower and to my left  I see a mirror and i walk towards it.
When I look at the mirror I can't believe what I see. My lips are swollen and almost purple, I immediately check my neck for love bites and luckily they aren't there. I was sure they would be there, well I'm glad he didn't mark me because I don't want to have to hide them with makeup or have to explain what happened each time someone sees them.
My hair is a mess so I try to fix my blond hair with my hands since I didn't bring a comb.
"Well this will have to do." i say
"Mandy you can come out now, I need to give you the keys to my house so you can start moving in tomorrow." he says just outside the door.

I suddenly feel a bit shy, i mean i just did the most, i was holding his erection just now, but the way his voice sounds now kind of hurts my feelings, it sounds cold and business like. I really do have to have a chat with Emily about this.
Now i feel a bit embarrassed, i just did that with a man I met a week ago and i almost fucked him, i almost gave away my virginity on a couch in an office.
I always thought it would be in a romantic setting, i am disappointed in myself.
But  will he think im easy since i agreed so suddenly to his proposal.i didnt even hold out for a bit longer.
He didnt even have to woo me with dinber or a night under the stars and i just agreed to be his fuck buddy in lame man's terms.

What have I done, I am still looking in the mirror and i feel tears at the back of my eyes.
I take a deep breath in and I breath out to stop myself from crying.
This is neither the time nor the day to feel sorry for myself.
I have already signed the contract with the devil and i will just have to deal with it.

I mean i do want to be with him, but all of a sudden i want something more. If he kisses like this with someone he is just attracted to then how would it feel with someone he is inlove with.
How would his love making be when he has his heart involved.

I know i am a hopeless romantic, at the back of my mind i know i am hoping that i can make him fall for me but i know its a lost cause.

But then i want to believe i am strong, i mean i survived my mom's death, i survived my dad disowning me so i know i cam handle anything the world throws at me.

After washing my hands even though they were clean i go towards to the door and I walk out.

Hey guys
Tell me what you think about the sex scene that almost happened.
Much love...

Chapter 10 has been changed also.
More information has been added.
I am enjoying rewriting this book honestly.
I hope you guys enjoy this version more.

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