Chapter 38: The worst thing on earth

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Today is the day of the war. Everyone is prepared. Leah contacted me when I woke up and she told me they'll be moving in when it's noon. I informed Liel and he assured me that was just enough time to prepare.

Right now, the twenty teenagers, Liel, Twelve, and I are in the dining room eating breakfast. I told Rafael's gang and my agents to protect the teens I have brought into this as best as they could. I want to make sure they get home to their families.

Soon, everyone finishes their food and they go to leave the room but I stop them.

"Today is the day of the war. The enemies will move in at noon. We'll be waiting for their arrival. I've mapped out their coordinates and I know exactly where the fight will take place. So, ten snipers will go beforehand to scope the place out. Then, everyone else will go after they're settled. Everyone needs to find a proper hiding space before the enemies appear. If you don't hide fast enough, you'll never see the light of day again."

Everyone nods. Five of these boys are snipers. Throughout the short time of training and getting to know them, they have proved themselves to be some of the great snipers I have ever met. The rest of the twenty snipers I have are fellow agents.

Everyone disperses and heads to their rooms. I sigh and stand up, collecting the dishes from the table. I told everyone to leave their dishes for me to clean up. Most of them objected and said they couldn't out that much on my shoulders, but they soon gave up after their punishments during training. It was quite comical to watch and hear them complain and surrender after a lot of laps around the track. At least I got my way, in the long run.

As I am putting the dishes into the dishwasher, I feel a presence behind me. I immediately know who it is and I smile.

"Have you come to help me?" I ask, not turning around.

"Nope. I just came to watch and cheer you on. I have heard I am wonderful at giving emotional support," Liel replies and I roll my eyes though he can't see me. I hear in sit on a stool and I sigh. I soon finish with everything and I turn to face Liel, smiling as I see he is playing a game on his phone. I slowly walk up to him and I force myself not to laugh at his concentrated glare. Once I am close enough, I pause, then I do the worst thing on earth.

I tap on his screen, causing him to lose the game. He yells out his disappointment and glares playfully at me. I just smile innocently while whistling an innocent little toon.

"I hate you," Liel grumbles like a little boy that got his candy taken away and I smile widely.

"I love you, too." I give him a quick kiss on his cheek before I walk away. I then pause and say over my shoulder, "Get ready. We're doing last-minute training."

I leave and I head up to my room. When I make it there, I close the door and I lock it. I then walk to my closet and I grab my agent outfit. 

I made the twenty boys protective gear before we gathered them. I made sure they were all one-size-fits-all since I didn't know any of their sizes. I made them all train with their gear so they fill comfortable. Now, their risk of dying is lower. Not by a lot but it still counts.

I change into my outfit and I brush my hair out before I tie it into a high ponytail. I walk into my bathroom and I brush my teeth. One I am done, I walk back into my room and I grab my gun before putting it into the holster. I then grab my throwing knives and I put them on my person. Grabbing my dagger, I slide that into a hidden sheath inside my protective jacket. Once I am finished, I look out myself in the mirror. I smile in content then I head out of my room. I run into one of the boys whose name is Kylen.

"Hey, Twenty-four. I have a question," Kylen says and I nod at him, silently telling him to continue. "Do you think some of us are going to die?"

I take in a sharp breath and I tense. I didn't expect this question. But I guess that was a stupid move on my part seeing as we're going into battle. All I can do is answer his question with honesty. So, that is what I do.

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