Chapter 16: You serious?

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"Why the hell would you shoot her?! She did nothing wrong!"


"If she was against us, she would've done something to us by now!"


"Now you've gone and put her in the freaking hospital! How-"

"Enough," my voice booms. "I told him to shoot me and he followed orders. Am I dead? No. Am I hurt? Physically, yes. Emotionally, no. Am I proud of his actions? Yes."

"Why the hell would you be proud of him shooting you?!"

"Calm your man tits, Lee! I am okay. He only shot my arm. I am proud of him because he was making sure I wasn't a threat. He was protecting his family. Mr. Wilkins, I thank you for doing this."

We are currently in the hospital with my arm wrapped up and everyone gathered around. Liel and Mr. Wilkins were arguing before I spoke up. Liel is livid. He is super angry since Mr. Wilkins shot me.

"I'm sorry, Siayla. I just wanted to make sure my family was safe." I nod and I close my eyes.

"You boys need to learn how to fight properly. Seriously. Alec was the toughest one to beat. Is he top agent or something," I ask jokingly and the guys scoff.

"We can't help it if you're superwoman. Where'd you learn your skills?" I tense up at Max's question and I open my eyes. I look at the grown-ups and I sigh.

"Can I speak to the boys for a moment alone, please?" The grown-ups nod and they leave the room. Once I know they are all out of the room, I start talking.

"My dad taught me to fight when I was seven. He kept teaching me things till I was ten when he and mom died. The one-hitter-quitter, I learned myself. I actually taught myself on someone from The Building. I had a good reason."

"What was that reason?"

"He was too damn handsy," I say and everyone laughs.

"Can you teach us some moves?" I look at Max and I see his pleading eyes. I smile and I nod. The guys cheer and I laugh.

"Max, where's that pizza you were going to order?" Max's expression goes from happy to shocked in two seconds and I chuckle.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes tops."

"Get me a box of cheese pizza please," I say and Max turns to me. "Wait... Make that extra cheese. All for myself. No sharing."

Max nods and he leaves the room. Mrs. Wilkins comes in and she tells me that she isn't in the agency anymore due to having a kid. I nod and I give her a hug. She then tells me that the grown-ups are going home. She tried to tell the boys to go home but they were being stubborn little pricks and they wanted to stay with me. Mrs. Wilkins leaves the room and I turn to the boys.

"You guys don't have to stay here. Well, except you, Liel. You were assigned to protect me," I grumble and everyone chuckles except Liel. He just frowns. "But other than that, you guys don't have to stay. You can all go have fun."

"Nope. You're stuck with us. Besides, we have to discuss what we are going to do about Terrance," James says and I nod. I then realize that I should tell them what I told Liel.

"Liel, can I tell them what I've found out so far?" Liel nods and I am about to tell them until I realize Max isn't here. I need him to be here too. "I'll wait for Max to come back."


"Honey! I'm home!"

"Max," I groan. "We're in a hospital. Keep your voice down."

"Oh... Right." I roll my eyes but I sit up and I accept the box of pizza from Max. Before I can even open it, James speaks up.

"How long has it been since you've had pizza?"

"Six years. Cheese pizza is the best," I say and I start eating.

One cheese pizza and two cokes later, I am finished eating and watching TV on the hospital TV. Liel and Max have finished and Alec and James are on their last slice.

"Can I tell you guys what I've found out now?" The guys nod and Alec and James continue eating. "Okay... First off, you guys should know that I can hack into anything." Because of me being The Devil... The best hacker in the world.

"Really? Prove it," Max says in a challenging way and I roll my eyes.

"Later." The guys stay quiet and I take a deep breath. I tell them everything I told Liel and they stay quiet through it all. Liel supposedly took a picture of the tattoo and he showed the guys.

"Wow... The agency doesn't even know any of this stuff. I mean yeah they notice the tattoos on the murderer's arms but they thought nothing of it. Dad tried to find more out but he hit a dead end," Alec said and I scoff.

"Okay. It's time to hack into something," Max says and he pulls out his phone. "Hack into my phone."

"I need a computer," I deadpan and Max looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. I roll my eyes and I press the emergency button so a nurse can come in here.

"That's unnecessary. It's mean too. That button is for emergency only," Liel says and I smile sweetly.

"Well, whoever has a problem with it can suck it." Liel is about to reply but a nurse enters the room, interrupting any further comments. She looks at me with concern and I smile at her.

"Hi. Sorry for misusing this button but I need a computer if that's not too much to ask."

"Why do you need a computer?" I open my mouth to answer but Alec stands up and he pulls a badge out of his pocket and he shows it to her.

"That is classified information. We need this computer, ASAP. Is that too much to ask?" The nurse pales and I have a hard time controlling my laughter. The nurse apologizes and she leaves saying she'll bring a computer in a moment.

"And that, my friend, is a misuse of your badge," Liel says and that's enough for me to burst out laughing.

The nurse comes back and she gives me the computer. I thank her and she leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. I open it up and I wait for it to power up.

"How did you learn to hack?"

"Take a wild guess," I say blankly as the computer goes to the sign-in screen. I start doing my wonders and the guys watch. I then grab Max's phone and I open it without even trying to do the passcode. Max gasps and I smile. I turn on Max's Bluetooth and I connect it to the computer.

"So... What are you going to do?"

I don't answer. Instead, my fingers fly across the keyboard and within seconds, I pull up Max's deleted history.

"Boom," I say and the guys stare in shock.

"You did that in less than three minutes," Alec said and I nod. "Are you able to track people down that don't have a tracker?"

"Give me a name."

"Um... How about... I got nothing."

"Who's the most wanted criminal in the agency," I ask and the guys look at me like I've grown two heads.

"Alex Hunter. Mass murderer. Drug lord. Father of two sons, Ethan and Luke. Killed his wife when he found out she was a part of the agency," Liel says and I nod.

"Can you tell me when he was last seen?"

"Two years ago at Pizza Palace with his son Ethan." I nod and I start typing in Alex's name. I then proceed to do many other things and the guys continue to stare at me.

In one minute of doing that, I've found out he is the leader of The Skulls. A small-time gang, nothing big. Two minutes after that, I've lead five deaths to him. Four minutes after that, I've found out where he lives and I've hacked into his security system and I found him lying in his bed watching TV. I've also found out his security is high and he is well hidden to most.

"Found him."

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