Chapter 24: You're hopeless

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Liel's POV

I shouldn't have shouted at Siayla like that earlier. But I am just so goshdarn angry for her not telling me. Then again, she had a point. How was she supposed to tell me? At least I found out though. Maybe I did overreact.

I am riding around in Uncle John's car and I drive past a park. I see a girl laying under a tree and since I am an agent, having to protect civilians, I have to see if she is okay. It is raining pretty hard so... She might not be okay due to the coldness.

I park the car close to where she is and I get out. I shiver as the rain comes in contact with my bare arms. I close the car door and I start walking towards the girl. She is facing me but her eyes are closed. It looks like she's crying.

I get closer and I notice how familiar she looks. Her black hair, olive skin. If she had grey eyes then she would look a lot like-

"Siayla?!" I run-up to her and I pick her up bridal style. She groans and she puts her hands on my chest. She opens her beautiful eyes and she narrows them as soon as she realizes I am the one carrying her.

"Put me down," Siayla demands and I shake my head as a spark of anger flicks through me.

"Do you want to die?!" I didn't mean for those words to come out as harsh as they did but... There's no going back now.

"I... No! It's just you've already hurt me and I don't want to be hurt again. So just put me down and we'll part ways forever," Siayla offers in the broken tone and my heart clenches.

"I can't do that, Princess," I whisper softly. Siayla rolls her eyes at me and she closes her eyes as if it pains her to talk to me or something.

"If I can't call you a nickname, you can't call me my nickname. Besides, I am just your mission and a fellow agent. You shouldn't be calling me 'Princess'."

I let out a humorless chuckle and we make it to the car. I put her in the passenger seat and I buckle her in. I then shut the door and I go over to my side.

After I am situated in the car, I start the engine and I head towards the hospital.

"I'm sorry," I spoke after a long silence. "I shouldn't have shouted or even gotten angry for that matter." Siayla looks at me blankly and I sigh. "I also shouldn't have called you a criminal. I know you help people. Hell, you're not even wanted by the agency let alone anyone else... Except maybe a couple of gangs."

"Yeah... What were you about to call me before I punched you?" Siayla asked me with anger but I caught the bit of sarcasm in her tone too. I went to speak, to apologize but she spoke first. "You were right. I am a lowlife criminal. I am the scum on the bottom of people's shoes. I'm a coldhearted murderer."

I slam on the breaks. The car screeches to a stop.

"Don't. You. Dare. Ever. Say that. About. Yourself. Again," I hiss each word and Siayla gives me a horrific look.

"What the hell, Lee?! I could've busted my head open! Why did you stop the car like that," Siayla screeched, rubbing her forehead. She looks me in the eyes and I see the smugness in her eyes. "I feel happy that I made you feel bad. But just you wait, Lee. Karma is a big fat bitch."

I pale slightly and Siayla looks out the window. She then looks in the rearview mirror. I notice the line of cars behind me, the drivers looking beyond pissed.

I press my foot on the accelerator and the car moves forward.

"I'm sorry," I say again. "You didn't deserve any of that. And it was the same day I asked you to be my girlfriend. God, I am such a horrible boyfriend. Wait... Are we still together? No... Of course not. You don't want to be with me anymore. You can find-"

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