Chapter 1: Little Girl

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"You have got to be kidding me," I mumble under my breath as the store alarm goes off. I turn around to see my best friend, Eli, smiling innocently.

"You know, if I didn't love you, I'd think you are purposely trying to get us caught," I say as I grab Eli's hand in mine and start running out of the store.

Why are we running? Well, we stole food from the grocery store and it is also night time. Eli tripped the alarm off and we had to make a run for it if we didn't want to get caught by the cops.

"Sorry, Si. I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry," Eli said while panting slightly.

Eli is new to this whole "steal, run, hide" thing. This is only his third time but damn was he good at it.

Eli is nineteen and I am eighteen. I am Egyptian and Eli is African-American. I have tan olive skin and Eli is on the darker side. But, skin color doesn't matter. Only people's personalities matter.

When I met Eli- which was four years ago- he immediately complimented my eyes. His exact words were, "how come my eyes have to be a dull brown while yours are a beautiful grey" and I just rolled my eyes at him. His eyes are not 'a dull brown' actually. His eyes are a very pretty hazel. His eyes just make him more handsome. Even when his face, hair, and built body already makes him handsome.

"Si?! What do we do? The police officers are hot on our tails," Eli yells, breaking me from my thoughts.

I take a quick glance behind me and I see three cops running after us. I quicken my pace and I go in front of Eli.

"Follow me and keep up." With that, I lead us into a cornfield that we were running beside.

Here in the country part of North Carolina, there are a lot of cornfields. So when we ran from the store, we were at a cornfield in a matter of seconds.

As we weave through the corn, shouts of the cops are growing faint. Once I can't hear them anymore, I slow down and so does Eli then we come to a stop.

"Tell me again why I agreed to help you with food again?" Eli falls to the floor, gasping for air, being the drama queen he is. I shake my head at him and I lay down, putting my head on his stomach. I look up at the stars, loving the way they light up the sky.

"Can you tell me the story of the stars? The story of our ancestors," I ask and Eli chuckles softly.

"I've told you that story millions of times," Eli deadpans and I scoff. I sit up and I look him in the eyes.

"Yes, I've heard it a lot, but I like the story. It calms me. Please tell me the story," I beg with a pouty look. Eli soon sighs in defeat and I smile victoriously, knowing he can never say no to me.

"Every star is someone's family member that has passed. It could be mine. It could be yours. Or they could be someone's on the other side on the planet. Each time a star shines, you know our ancestors are watching over us..." Eli continues the story and I start thinking of my family.

Are they watching over me? Are they disappointed in me? Do they love me? Am I the-

"Hey! What're you kids doin' on my property," an old man with a thick southern accent yelled at us. We both shot up and we ran, not looking for any more trouble.

We make it to the more city part of the town and we slow down to a walk.

"How about we head back to The Building?" 'The Building' is where homeless people stay. Yes, Eli and I are homeless. My parents were murdered when I was ten. I got sent into the care system but I ran away when I was thirteen. That's when I became homeless.

Eli came to The Building when he was fifteen. He was beaten badly. Luckily, we had some first aid kits so we could fix him up. His story was and still is heartbreaking. Long story short, his parents were abusive and he ran away.

There are many others in The Building. Some are a little older than me. Most of them are around their forties and fifties.

As we are walking down the street, I hear muffled talking. My curiosity gets the best of me when I go towards the sounds. Eli follows me, obviously intrigued like me.

We make it close enough to the people talking so we can hear them but they can't see us.

"Why aren't you coming home? Mom and dad are breathing down my neck to find you. They said they miss you. Mom wants you in her arms again," a guy said blankly. I hear a scoff and I lean closer to hear what the other person has to say.

"He is not my dad! He is my step-dad! And raped me! I don't want to go back. Mom didn't even do anything about it. You probably don't even care about me. I am better off alone." I recognize that voice. That's my best friend Leah! Her step-dad raped her? Oh hell no.

I walk away from my hiding place and I walk over to Leah and her brother. When I see Leah, my chest tightens. She has a black eye and a bloody nose. Her lip is also busted. Her seventeen-year-old self looking mentally and physically exhausted.

I turn to her brother and I narrow my eyes at him. I take in his features before I start talking. He has piercing green eyes and messy black hair. His jawline is sharp with stubble showing. If I wasn't mad, I would enjoy looking at this beautiful creature but... He doesn't deserve it.

"Leave. Her. Alone," I whispered dangerously low. I stare into this guy's eyes and he stares into mine.

"Siayla, Liel didn't do anything wrong," Leah defends silently.

"But did he do anything to help?" I ask while looking at Liel. He doesn't look much older than me. He might be nineteen.

Leah stays silent and that's all the answer I need.

"I suggest you go away from here, Little Girl. You don't know what you're getting yourself into." Little Girl? He doesn't know what he's getting himself into.

"I suggest you leave her alone. If you know what's best for you, Little Boy," I say blankly. Anger flashes through Liel's eyes. His jaw clenches and his hands curl into fists.

"You won't do anything. You're all bark and no bite. You're we-" he gets cut off by my fist connecting with his jaw. He stumbles back from the impact of my punch and he stares at me in shock.

"You don't know a thing about me. I am not weak. I will do something. Trust me, I am all bite and no bark," I promise as I step closer. Liel stares at me with a blank stare. I take that as a sign to leave and so I follow it.

I walk up to Leah and she has a grateful look in her eyes. Leah is homeless too. She came to The Building two years ago. She is eighteen like me.

"Let's get her out of here," Eli offers as he picks Leah up bridal style. We walk away but I don't miss the words called out from the green-eyed creature called Liel.

"You better watch your back, girl. You just got yourself in a whole lot of trouble."

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