Chapter 4: Your nephew is here

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*Liel's POV*

I haven't seen my aunt and uncle in a while. I might just go and see them today.

As I am working on some papers for college, Alec enters the room with a smile. I furrow my eyebrows because it's not often you get to see Alec Barnett smile.

"What's got you so happy?"

"So... You know how you wanted to know more about the girl? And how you found one of her hairs on your clothes? Yeah? Well, I ran a DNA test from the hair and I got some interesting information off of that. Then I ran a background check and found more interesting things on her."

I lean back and I close my eyes. I smirk knowing that I can find her faster now.

Alec's dad is chief of police so when we need something important searched or investigated, we can ask his dad for help. And no, we are not in a gang or anything like that. Alec's dad is a hacker too. He helps the security guards at the station sometimes. He has busted many gangs, drug circles, human trafficking circles, weapon trafficking circles, and many more. He can track down any person in twenty minutes. 

Now Alec and I are a different story. We are just normal teens, living normal lives, in a normal college. Pffft, that's bullshit. We are agents. Yes, we are young, I know. 

I became an agent when my uncle got badly injured. I took his spot for him. He is now a trainer for the new recruits. Alec became an agent three months after me when he said his dad told him he would be good at it. Alec and I are two of the best agents in the agency. And all our thanks can go to my uncle.

My uncle is more of a father figure to me than my dad ever was. My dad is an abusive dipshit that never cared about me. He is the reason why Leah ran away. He is the reason I couldn't save her. He is the reason I am living with my best friend Alec. My uncle saves me from all of my dad's abusive behavior too. If it weren't for Alec and Uncle John, I would probably be at home unconscious with my dad yelling profanities at my lifeless body.

Anyway, I just recently got the assignment to find a dead famous track runner's daughter and protect her. The problem is, she is off the grid. Both her parents were murdered and the girl was supposed to be killed too but I guess they failed. The people that planned the murder are now looking for her to finish the job. So I have to find her first so I can protect her. Apparently this girl is important for reasons I don't know. But, why would someone kill a famous track runner? Did-

Alec slamming tan folders on my desk broke me from my thoughts. I jumped slightly and I looked up at Alec.

"What the hell, man?!"

"You might want to look through those. It might help you with the case," he says and he walks out. I furrow my eyebrows and I look in the folders.

Holy... The description of the girl sounds like the mystery girl that took Leah away from the alley. Is it possible that... No... It can't be... Can it?

Siayla Wassim.
Age: eighteen
Hair: dark brown
Eye: grey
Skin: tan olive tone
Gender: Female
Parents: Jonas and Alohna Wassim - deceased
Siblings: none
Birthplace: Jordan
No further information on Siayla Wassim.

Well... Now I am only one step closer to finding my mission. But it feels like I just took two steps back. One step forward, two steps back.



"I am going to go see Aunt Madi and Uncle John. I'll be back soon," I say walking out of my room and walking down the hallway to the stairs.

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