Chapter 10: Welcome to Green Mountain University

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"Welcome to Green Mountain University."

I whirl around, ready to attack any threat, but when I see an oddly familiar face, I break out into a smile.


"Stinger!" I don't waste a second as I run and I jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He holds on to me tightly, showing me in this hug how much he's missed me, and I do the same.

A couple of seconds later, he places me on my feet and he holds me at arm's length.

"How've you been, Buttmunch?" Of course, he has to call me that now.

"Good?" I say but it comes out as a question. "How've you been, Roach Liker?"

"I've been good... My dad dropped the wicked witch of the west and we moved here. What have you been up to?"

I hesitate and I look him in the eyes. I see concern. He is the only person who can read me like a book. So if I tell him a lie, he'll call my bluff without a moments hesitation.

"We'll talk about that later. But right now, I want to introduce you to my friends and the person that took me into his home. Then, you're giving me a tour of the school," I say and Hayden nods. I then jump on his back.

"Onward, horsey," I yell, pointing my hand forward at my friends and Mr. Wilkins. I hear Hayden scoff but he places his hands under my thighs to keep me on his back and he starts walking. When we make it to my friends, I hop off of Hayden's back and I stand beside him.

"Eli, Leah, this is Hayden. He was my foster brother when I was still in the system. Hayden, these two goofs are my best friends, Eli and Leah." They exchange hellos and then I pull Hayden over to where Mr. Wilkins is standing.

"Mr. Wilkins this is Hayden. Hayden, Mr. Wilkins is the one that took me into his home. Along with Eli and Leah."

"Okay, hold up. You live with Coach?"

"You're on his team?"

"I am on his cross-country team. I didn't try out for track yet," Hayden said and I smiled. I looked at Mr. Wilkins. He was looking at me with a fatherly/friendly smile.

"You'll have quite the competition, Dirtface. Siayla here is ranking number one on my team," Mr. Wilkins says and my eyebrows furrow. Dirtface?

I look at Hayden with a raised eyebrow and he rolls his eyes.

"When I first got on the team, I fell in a pile of dirt. From then on, Coach has called me Dirtface," says Hayden, as he glares at Mr. Wilkins. I laugh at him. Not only for falling into the dirt but for being the clumsy dumbass I know. "Congrats on getting the highest ranking. I always knew you could do something like this."

"Well... Thanks for believing in me, Dirtface." Everyone sniggers as Hayden scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Okay... That's enough. Come on. I'll take y'all on a tour," Hayden grumbles and I giggle. Leah and Eli come and they stand behind Hayden and me.

"I am going to talk to the Dean. I'll meet you all soon. Oh and Hayden. Watch out for the dirt." With that, Mr. Wilkins parts way with us and I burst out laughing.


Two hours later, we are at the football field sitting on the bleachers. The football team is practicing and we are playing Dare or Dare. It's like Truth or Dare but it doesn't have the choice of 'truth'.

"Okay... Siayla-"

"Dare," I interrupt Hayden and he rolls his eyes but I don't miss his mischievous smile.

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