Chapter 11: They're leaving me

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Eli's POV

"So you and Siayla ran away together but you didn't have the balls to branch out on your own so you dragged her to the police station where y'all got separated when she went off to be in a new family?"

This is just wonderful. He technically let Si down.

"Yeah. But I was only thirteen. What did you expect me to do?"

"Siayla was-" I interrupted Leah, knowing Hayden doesn't know about us being homeless and all that. Besides, I know that Siayla will tell him in her own time.

"Anyway-" I cut myself off when I see Siayla storming up the bleachers towards us.

"Well, Hayden, it was nice knowing you. Give us a nice funeral, yeah?" Leah asked and Hayden furrowed his eyebrows. He was about to talk when Siayla cut him off.

"How could you guys not tell me?! I thought you guys were my best friends," Siayla yelled and I flinched.

"We are your friends. I see you as my little sister. But, we didn't know when the right time to tell you was," I said and Siayla rolled her eyes.


"Because we don't like being here. We're not used to it. It's not us. It might be you but it's not us. We're going back to The Building tomorrow. You're going to stay with the Wilkins and you're going to follow your father's footsteps," I instruct and tears well up in Siayla's eyes.

"But what about your dreams to become soccer players? What happened to being noticed?!" Leah and I stay silent and Siayla sighs, looking down at the bleachers. "C-can you just promise me something?" I nod and she takes a deep breath. "Don't forget me."

Siayla turns away and she runs down the bleachers. I go to chase after her but Leah's hands wrap around my arm, holding me back.

"She needs some time alone," Leah says and I nod reluctantly. I see Hayden's confused face but, I stay quiet. One lone tear escapes my eye and slides down my cheek.

I won't ever forget you, Siayla Wassim. You were my first friend. I could never forget you.

Siayla's POV

I run away from them. I can't handle being there anymore. I need to go to a place to calm down. So right now, I am heading to the only thing that can comfort me right now.


I run into the house and I run up the stairs to his room. I don't knock, I just run in. The guys are still here but I couldn't care less. Liel immediately stands up and rushes over to me. He embraces me in his arms and I cry into his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Princess?"

"Um... We'll be in the kitchen," Alec said, leading the guys out. Liel nods and he leads me to his bed. He sits down and he pulls me to his lap.

"They're leaving me. Just like... Just like everyone else that I have cared for," I cry and Liel hugs me tighter.

"Who is leaving?"

"Eli and Leah. They are going back to The Building because they said that this kind of life doesn't feel right to them. They're leaving me tomorrow. They didn't even talk to me about it! I had to find out from Mr. Wilkins," I sob and Liel rubs my back soothingly.

"They'll still be your friends. You can visit them whenever you want and vise versa," Liel says, trying to calm me down. But, I hate it when people leave me, it makes me feel betrayed, or like I've messed up somehow.

I numbly nod my head but the sobs continued. Liel lays us down, still holding me tightly in his arms. He plays with my hair as I cry, which makes me tired.

Soon, I am falling asleep in Liel's arms.

Leil's POV

Siayla fell asleep a couple of minutes ago and I am still holding her. Looking at her right now, I see tear stains, puffy red cheeks, and a red nose. It hurts me to know that she is hurt.

A couple of minutes later, I get hungry and I gently pull away from Siayla, making sure I don't wake her. Once I know that she is still asleep, I leave my room and shut my door so no one bothers her.

I walk down to the kitchen and I notice that the guys are gone. I shrug and I start to search the fridge for food. I decide to just have leftover spaghetti and so I put some on a plate and I heat it up in the microwave. As the food is heating up, I hear the front door open and I turn to see who it is.

Eli and Leah enter the kitchen. They both have puffy red eyes and tear stains on their cheeks.

"So you guys are leaving?"

"Yeah... Tomorrow," Leah says quietly. I shake my head in disbelief, remembering the things Siayla told me.

"What's the real reason you guys are leaving?"

Eli and Leah tense and they look at each other with skeptical eyes and then they turn to me.

"Uh... We- we don't feel comfortable... This life isn't for us. We aren't happy here. We found some jobs and we are going to save up for a small house. Something that we can actually call home," Leah explains and I nod slowly, processing everything she just said.

"Well... Good luck with that. Just know that Siayla is devastated. Talk to her tomorrow. Try and make things right. And Leah, I'm sorry for the past. I will understand completely if you are still mad at me. I wouldn't expect you to stop being mad at me. But just know, I never wanted to hurt you," I say and I turn my back to them and I walk to the stairs, ending the conversation before they can say anything back.

But, as I was about to leave the kitchen, I heard Leah slightly whisper.

"I was never mad at you."

I pretend not to hear her although a big, goofy smile makes it's way to my face. But then it disappears as I hear a scream.

Siayla's scream.

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