Chapter 27: Lost souls to torture

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It's been two months since I got my own house and I couldn't be happier. Liel and I are still teasing each other. My stomach is healed too, finally. Now I just have this ugly scar. But, it's fine. I see it as my present from becoming an agent. It's messed up but it's fine.

I have earned the title 'best agent' now. The guys all gave me that title. I told them that they were better than me then they cursed me out. Max got angry when I wouldn't except that title. He pointed a nerf gun at me, threatening to shoot my eye. I then gave up because I wanted to keep my 20-20 vision.

Liel and I are taking a trip to Italy to visit Leo for his birthday. I've got everything planned, with some help from Liel and the guys. My birthday is a week after Leo's. I got him plane tickets to get back to North Carolina. I also got him clothes and toys. I think I spoil that kid.

Right now, I am cooking spaghetti for Liel and I while Liel is at a meeting with Twelve and Mr. Wilkins. Oh! I've started training for the track team again! That's a hassle; being on the team while also being an agent. It's a lot.

I hear the front door opens and closes quietly and I wait for Liel to say something but he never does, like he always has. So, I am on high alert now. I rest my palm on the hilt of my dagger and I keep my back towards the kitchen entrance with my ears perked for any danger.

"Siayla. Nice to see you again," a woman's voice says in a sweetly calm voice from behind me. I don't turn around. I know who she is. She's the lady who tried to make me die from blood loss on that ambulance when I was ten.

"Come to bring me band-aids?" I ask sarcastic and the lady scoffs. "Honestly, I am surprised you're still alive. How old are you now? Ninety?"

"Listen here, you little brat," the lady seethes and I chuckle humorlessly.

"No. You listen to me," I say, turning around for the first time. "You better get out of my goddamn house. You have some balls, entering without an invite, you know? And you wanna know what happens to intruders in my household?"

The lady steps back in fear as I step closer to her. She stares straight into my eyes, not backing down entirely.

"You won't hurt me. You're still that weak little girl that got shot, trying to play hero-"

"Enough," I shout with authority. The lady flinches and I take a threatening step forward. She steps back one step. "I killed your people because you killed my people. An eye for an eye, yeah?" I take another step forward and she takes a step back.

I take another step forward and she backs into the wall. I take my dagger from my sheath and I twirl it around. The lady eyes it and I smirk.

"You wanna know what happened to me while I was 'off the grid'? I made five of these. All five of them have different traits. This one is my favorite one of all. This one has three special things about it. Two of them, are barely used. But the most used one kills in seconds."

The lady keeps her eyes on the dagger. A spark of interest flashes through her eyes. Determination evident on her face. I clock an eyebrow towards her and I smile a toothy grin.

"Oh... I get it now! You came here, for this! This is awesome! So. Where're the other puppets? I mean people. I know you didn't come alone," I say and the lady's eyes widen. My smirk turns into a tight-lipped line. My eyes narrowed dangerously and I put my dagger against her neck, adding a small cut, enough to get the poison in her system. "Anything else you wanna say?"

"Yeah," she wheezes out. "Go to hell."

"I should really get back there, y'know? Lost souls to torture, sorrows to burn. The fun stuff," I say nonchalantly and the lady narrows her eyes. She starts to go limp and she slides to the floor. She stares into my eyes as her last breath passes her lips. I frown and I kneel beside her.

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