Chapter 5: Minor Details

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Liel's POV

Siayla turned her back towards me and she took a deep breath. She then hesitantly pulled her shirt over her head. I was about to protest when I see the bruises and scars littering her back. I suck in a breath and Siayla starts to speak.

"I was kidnapped. They abused me. They were saying something about revenge..."

What kind of revenge were they talking about? Are there any more details?

When Siayla is finished speaking, I stand up and I walk up to her. Her back is still facing me so I have a clear view of all the damage done on her.

I trace her scars and bruises lightly. I feel Siayla shiver slightly at my actions and I almost smirk.

I see an interesting scar on her side snd I turn her around a bit so I can see it better. It is halfway covered by her sports bra so I pull it up just enough to see the rest of her scar.

"Did they shoot you?" I ask and Siayla looks down. I trace her scar and she tells me that this happened when she was ten.

She was shot when she was ten?! Why didn't anyone protect her?! How can they be so inconsiderate?! Who would even shoot a kid?!

I was about to ask her more when she abruptly turned around.

"How did you know it is a bullet scar?"

Crap... Shit... What the hell do I do?! I just technically blew my cover! Wait... I can lie... I'm pretty good at that.

"Movies. You know those action movies that are like, 'Imma shoot you' and then they get shot and a couple of years later they have this gnarly scar?"

You're a freaking idiot, Liel.

"Uh-huh... Okay. Um..." She slips her shirt back on and she turns away from me. "I am sorry for burdening you with my sob story. You can leave now."

Why do is my heart beating fast? Why is my gut telling me to stay?

*Siayla's POV*

Liel turns me around and he stares into my eyes. His hands are on my waist and I feel tingles where they're touching.

"Do you want me to stay?" Is he just giving me pity because of my story?

"Why would you want to stay with a broken girl?" I couldn't help but ask.

"You're not broken just because you have scars. Trust me, I know."

"Yeah... Only the minor details to my life," I mumble quietly under my breath.

"So do you want me to stay or not?" Liel asks impatiently. I roll my eyes at him and I sigh.

"Only if you want to. I have to take a shower though. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. It's okay," I say as I get my PJ's from my bag that my friend must've brought up here. Liel mutters something under his breath and I wasn't able to make it out. I didn't spare another thought on it because I really need to shower.

I walk into the bathroom and I freeze. It is wonderful! It is the size of my room. Almost.

The shower is encased by glass. There is a separate tub. There are a toilet and a double sink. The shower has that rain effect thing that Leah always fantasies about when she looks in the Home Magazines. This bathroom is better than any picture in the dumb magazine, hands down.

Twenty minutes later, I am ready for bed. I walk out of the magnificent bathroom and I freeze once again when I see a certain black-haired, green-eyed someone laying on my bed shirtless and in gym shorts. I try my best not to look at his abs but I fail when he flexes as he moves.

"Enjoying the view, Cupcake?" I roll my eyes and then I catch Liel checking me out too.

"Enjoying the view, Cupcake," I use his question on him and he rolls his eyes too. I chuckle and then I crawl onto the bed. I put distance in between Liel's front and my back but, I guess he didn't like the idea since he pulled me closer to him.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm a cuddler," Leil responds and I scoff.

"And I'm a kicker. We'll see if you like to cuddle after tonight," I say and I turn out the bedside lamp. Liel scoffs and he pulls me closer.

"Goodnight, Siayla."

"Goodnight, Liel."

With that, I drift off into a peaceful sleep.


"Siayla! You left us here to die! You didn't even try to help! How could you do that to your own parents?!"


"And your mom. Why didn't you try to save us? You dishonored us! You gave up on us!"

"N-no... No! I didn't! I got revenge for you two... I love you!"

"You're a murderer!"

"No, dad! No! It's not true..."

"Murderer! Murderer! Murd-"

"No!!!" I shoot awake and I jet into a sitting position. Tears are streaming down my face as memories try to overpower my mind. Memories of the one night I lost my family. I start hyperventilating and Liel shoots up.

"Si? What's wrong? What is it?" Liel asked, slightly panicked. I just put my face on his chest and I sob. I sob like there's no tomorrow. My parents are right, I am a murderer. But I did it for them.

I heard my door open and I heard people enter my room.

"Si? What is going on?" Okay, that's Eli.

"What is it, Starr?" Only Leah calls me that so that must be her.

"Are you alright, Sweety?" I know that voice belongs to Mrs. Wilkins.

"Do you have a boo-boo? I can kiss it to make it feel better?" That is definitely Leo.

I let out a watery laugh and I pull away from Liel's chest. I turn and I look at Leo and I nod. I point to my cheek and he kisses my cheek.

"There... All better," I say quietly as I wipe my tears away. I look at everyone else in the room and I notice Mr. Wilkins is here too. "I am sorry that I woke you guys up... I am fine now."

Everyone looks at me warily and I give them a reassuring smile. They all give me one last look before leaving the room. I turn back to Liel and he is looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Nightmare..." I fade off, not wanting to talk about it. Liel seems to take the hint as he nods and he pulls me closer to him so my head is resting on his chest.

I listen to his steady heartbeat as he plays with the ends of my hair.

"I am sorry for waking you," I blurt out and Liel chuckles lightly.

"It's fine, Princess. No need to apologize." Princess? I like that name better than 'Cupcake'. Let's see if he actually sticks with it. "Let's go back to sleep now. And just know that I will always be here to protect you. No matter what. I promise."

With Liel's promise locked in my brain, I go to sleep once again.

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