Chapter 22: There was a spider

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(How Siayla wears her dagger. Up top)


"Come on, doc! Don't do this to me! I've been good... For the most part. I am fine! Really! It doesn't hurt! It's been a week since I've been here," I complain as the doctor drags me back into my bed. Max, Alec, Liel, and James are all staring at me with amused smiles. After the doctor puts me back in my bed, Max walks up to me with a smirk.

"You say it doesn't hurt anymore?" Max questions and I nod with a smile. But then my smile falls as I realize what Max is about to do.

"No, no, no, no... Max... Please-" I am cut off by Max hitting my wound with a bit of force. I groan in pain and I glare at him. "Does anyone have an idea of where to hide a dead body? Anywhere at all. It doesn't really matter as long as it won't be found."

Max pales slightly and I smirk. I then look at the doctor. He is looking very unamused at the moment.

"How long do I have to stay in this hell hole?" I ask, sighing in defeat. The guys chuckle and the doctor shakes his head.

"Three more days and then you'll go home. You are ordered to stay in bed until you are healed. I don't want to see you again anytime soon?" the doctor said and I smile innocently.

"Oh come. You love me and you know it. You are happy to see me so many times. Well... Two times... But still," I say and the doctor chuckles. He then walks out of the room. I turn to the guys and I study their faces. "What's the news from Mr. Wilkins and Twelve?"

"Your room is totaled and so is mine. Like, bullet holes everywhere totaled. We have to stay in the guest rooms now. Just until our rooms get fixed," Liel says and I nod. My eyes then widen as I realize how stupid I am for forgetting about it. My hand move to my waist and feel nothing except myself.

"Where. Is. My. Dagger?" I hiss out each word and the guys pale.

"Uh... Um... Er..." James stutters and I raise an eyebrow at him. That dagger means a lot to me. One of the reasons is what I did to it. It's not an ordinary dagger. Not at all.

"I need that dagger. It is dangerous in the hands of someone else," I admit. Panic fills the guys' eyes and I tense. "What happened to it?"

Just then, the door swings open and swings into the wall. The bang the door makes causes us to jerk our heads in that direction.

"We found it!" Mr. Wilkins and Twelve run in and they come to my bedside. Twelve gently hands me my dagger and I smile in relief. "You must've dropped it while you were being carried. It was right beside the door."

I tense and I think back to when the rescue team came. I never allow my dagger to slip. It's impossible for the dagger to slip because of the dagger sheath I wear attached to a belt. It is in the back laying horizontally. I am technically putting it in my waistband... Kinda.

"Can you help us get you up?" a man from the rescue team asked and I nodded. I then faintly feel a hand on the small of my back as I stand. Then, the hand is gone and my pants feel lighter. I don't have time to think about it because I get dizzy and I lay on the gurney.

"No..." I fade off and I look into Twelve's eyes. He looks into mine and he tenses. After a long moment, he slightly nods, motioning me to say it. "Someone from the rescue team tried to take it... But they must've dropped it."

"Do you know who did it?"

"I know the face. Not the name," I say. Everyone stays quiet and I look down.

"Well... It's just been an interesting turn of events, hasn't it," Max says with fake cheerfulness.


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