Chapter 8: I just exposed myself

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"They were killed by cold-blooded monsters."

Liel tenses up and I don't dare to look at him. I just continue.

"After they were killed, I snuck up behind one of the killers and I stole his gun with some self-defense stuff that my dad taught me. Knowing that there was no waiting for the police if I wanted to keep my life... I shot the one without the gun. I know, stupid choice. But, I was ten at that time. So when I shot the guy without the gun, his buddy shot me in the ribs.

"Then, when I went down, I shot the guy with the gun. People say I was just sticking up for myself. But, truth is, I am as bad as them. I didn't even hesitate to pull the trigger. I didn't feel any sorrow, regret, nothing except anger for them taking my only family.

"I went to the hospital, the bullet skimmed my lung, blah blah blah, surgery. Got better, then I was brought to South Carolina with my new 'family'," I say bitterly. "The only good thing about that family was their son. He was thirteen at the time. He was like a brother to me. Turns out, my foster family was mentally abusive... Well, the mom was, the dad just put up with it because he was scared to say something about it. So, the son and I ran away one night when things got bad but he was too scared to do anything other than going to the police so, I got shipped off with another family."

When I stopped talking, I remembered that I haven't seen him since I got shipped to another family. And I remember his phone number like the back of my hand. But that phone number is old.

"What was his name?"

"Hayden," I answer with a smile. I remember calling him Haybell. Yeah, it's stupid but, I was ten at the time. "Um... Do you have a phone that I can use?"

Liel furrows his eyebrows but he nods. He passes me his phone and I look at him with a blank face. Realization passes over his face and he takes his phone back and he looks at me expectantly.

"Um... I need to call him. I haven't been able to. I know his number... I think," I say quietly. I look in Liel's eyes and I see a foreign look in his eyes.

Liel looks back to his phone and he starts clicking things. He then gives me his phone again and I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Type in his phone number. Then press the green button," he instructs and I nod. I look back down at the phone and I press the numbers for the phone number. Once I am done, I press the green button.

"Now what?" Liel chuckles and he tells me to put the phone up to my ear. I do so and I hear a ringing sound.

"He'll be able to hear you talk, and you'll hear him talk too." I nod and I look down at the ground, not expecting him to answer.

"Hello," a deep voice answers and I jump slightly.

"Um... Is this Hayden Mitchell?" Please be him. Please be him.

"Yeah? Who is this?" I gasp and I stand quickly. I walk a little away from where Liel is sitting and I turn my back to him. I don't want him to see the waterworks that are wanting to make a show.

"Hayden. My name is Siayla-"

"Stinger?! Is this really you?! Or is this some kind of sick joke? I swear if this is a joke-"

"Haybell. It's me. It's really Siayla 'Stinger' Wassim. I'm sorry for not calling sooner. It's just... I haven't really had the best life after we were separated I guess we could say."

"Don't be sorry. Just tell me where you are and we'll meet up sometime to catch up."

"I'm in North Carolina..." I tell him the rest of the details and once I'm finished, he cheers loudly in excitement and I chuckle.

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