Chapter 23: He made a deal with The Devil

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Tyler rolls his eyes at his nickname but he smiles non-the-less.

"What's happening?" I ask in monotone and Tyler tenses, going into the Ice-Man I know him to be.

Before Tyler knew me, he was apart of the gang that kidnapped me. When I was kidnapped, Tyler had the job of giving me food. He knew I was innocent when he first seen me. He said there would be a guilty look in my eye if I wasn't innocent. He knew I knew nothing. Once he found out the gang wasn't going to let up, he double-crossed them and he helped me escape. Turns out, he was undercover for a different gang. The gang that kidnapped me thinks I killed Tyler though. No one from the gang knows he's alive.

Tyler's gang offered me a place to stay but it didn't come free. They wanted me to work for them, as a hacker. I declined, saying I had to protect the people at The Building. The gang told me they would protect The Building and everyone in it but I didn't want to be a part of a gang. My father wouldn't approve of it.

"The gang's back," he said and I glare at him. "My gang. Not the one that gave you scars. They only want one thing. I'm not saying you should give it to them but they asked me to talk to you. They put a mic on me to make sure I do. So... Rafael is going to come in here and he is going to ask you for whatever he wants. He said no agents too... He doesn't want to go to jail today. So... Please just listen to him."

The look in Tyler's eyes is screaming that he is pleading with me to accept.

Someone he loves- cares for- was threatend.

"Okay, sure," I cave and Tyler nods gratefully. I look at Liel who is glaring at Tyler. "Liel, do you mind standing outside the door?" Liel looks at me and I plead with him through my eyes. Rafael is a dangerous man. He isn't one to be messed with.

Liel reluctantly leaves the room just as Rafael walks in.

Rafael is the leader of the gang. I would say boss but he's is a true leader, he sticks with his gang. He doesn't sit back and shout orders and watch everyone in action. He joins the action.

Rafael closes the door, leaving Tyler, him, and I alone in this big hospital room.

"Hello, Siayla. How are you?"

"Living proof of luck. This is my third time being shot and I'm still standing. Isn't that amazing?" I reply sarcastically and Rafael glares at me. Everyone else might be scared of him but I am not. I just know boundaries.

"Where and when was the second time?"

"On my arm a couple of weeks ago. I'm still healing. From both." Rafael nods and he sits in a chair next to my side. "So... What was so important that you needed to talk about? And is it really necessary to set off the alarms?"

"No it wasn't necessary but it was fun watching your little agent friends running around like headless chickens." I roll my eyes at his childish self and he continues. "I need a favor."

"You want to make a deal with The Devil?" I ask with a sarcastic smile and Rafael chuckles. "Okay... What's the deal?"

"I want you to bring the authorities to someone's doorsteps. They used to be my most trusted member but he did something terrible to me and I don't have the heart to torture him."

I nod thoughtfully and then I look into his eyes. "What's in it for me?" Rafael smiles and he stands.

"I will bring down The Shadows. They reign under a new boss and I will tear them down. All for you, Siayla."

I keep my eyes locked with Rafael's. I see that he is hiding something. I narrow my eyes, knowing he can't hide shit from me. "There's something you're not telling me. That something's big. So that means that I have to decline the deal because I'm a devil you don't want to mess with. You already know that, don't you Ralphy?"

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