Chapter 2: Mystery Girl

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"What happened?" Danika asked as she saw Eli, Leah, and I come through the doors of The Building. She is like the mom to all the young people here. For the elders, she is like a sister.

"Nothing. Leah just needs to get checked for any injuries," I inform Danika and she nods.

Here at The Building, we don't have any doctors or anything that could help anything big. So if one of us broke a bone, we would have to go to the hospital and the others would have to raise the money for the hospital bill.

We are all one big family here. If someone falls, everyone is here to pick them back up.

Eli takes Leah to the mattress we do check-ups on and he lays her down gently. Yes, it's just a plain mattress next to a wall. The Building is old and run down. It's falling apart faster than we realize. There are six floors in this place. The top two floors are completely unsafe for anyone so we use the other four floors for sleeping quarters. There is a basement and that is where we keep food and other things we need.

"I'm gonna hit the sack. Goodnight, everyone." Everyone says 'goodnight' back and I leave towards the stairs. I usually always run up the stairs but I am feeling too tired right now.

My room is on the fourth floor so I have to climb up a lot of stairs. It takes a while to get up there by walking and it sometimes makes me wish for an elevator.

As I walk up the stairs absentmindedly, I see the paintings that Eli and I painted on the walls.

Eli painted me running on a track field with a storm in the background. He said that that was his vision for me. It was my future since I love to run and I am good at it.

I finally make it to my room and I change into some shorts and a tank top. I don't have many clothes here. I have two pairs of pants, two pairs of shorts, some undergarments, one long-sleeved shirt, one short-sleeved, a coat, and one pair of shoes.

Once I am ready for bed, I lay down on the beaten-down mattress and I close my eyes. Past events from today raced through my mind. I wad finally about to drift off to sleep when Liel's words echo through my head, one last time.

"You better watch your back."

Liel's POV

I need to find that girl. She disrespected me. How did she know Leah? How did she learn how to punch?

I remember Leah saying the girl's name but I don't remember it. I wish I was listening better.

When that girl punched me, it surprised me. I wasn't expecting it one bit. She can really pack a punch.

My hand subconsciously runs over my jaw and I wince when a shock of pain shoots through my jawline. I definitely have a bruise.

As I lay here in my king-sized bed in my master bedroom, I stare at the dull ceiling. My thought process is interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say and the door opens, revealing my best friend Alec. He eyes my jaw that is most likely already discolored but he says nothing about it.

"I've tracked down Leah for you. She is at some abandoned building," Alec said and I smiled as I put two and two together.

The abandoned building must be where the girl is.

A mischevious grin made it's way to my lips. Alec exited the room and I closed my eyes.

"I'm coming for you, Mystery Girl."

~Siayla's POV~

"Siayla!! Wake up, Sleepyhead! It's sunny and warm out. You're wasting daylight, soldier!" I open my eyelids to slits so I can look at the culprit that's waking me up at this ungodly hour.

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