Chapter 20: Honey! I'm home!

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"I heard that you are staying with the famous Coach Wilkins. Congrats, I'm happy for you," Tyler says and I smile and nod.

"Yeah. It's great. I'm on his team and I am going to college. I got reunited with Hayden. I've made new friends. Things are finally looking up, Ty."

Tyler smiles and then his eyes move to my neck. Anger flashed in his eyes and I roll my eyes.


"Another person got in. His body is in my room, and no, that's not the reason I came to say hi to you... Kind of." Tyler rolls his eyes and the muscle in his jaw ticks and his whole body is rigid.

"I should have been there to protect you. I was just so damn oblivious! I was reading my damn book! I need- who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my room?"

I whirl around and come face to face with Liel. He is staring coldly at Tyler and Tyler is doing the same to Liel.

"Liel, this is Tyler. Tyler, Liel," I say but the guys hold their glares. I scoff and I smack them both, hard. "Liel, he is like my brother. He saved me from the gang." I turn to Tyler. "Tyler, Liel is my-"

"Boyfriend. I am Siayla's boyfriend," Liel interrupts me and I snap my head in his direction. He gives me a look and I sigh.

"Yeah. He is actually the one that helped with the problem in my room," I say and Tyler looks from me to Liel and he then locks his eyes on Liel.

"You hurt her, I'll hurt you ten times worse. That's not a threat, that's a promise," Tyler says in a low, dangerous voice and I sigh.

He won't be hurting me. He is my bodyguard.

"I'll handle the situation in your room. It looks like you guys are in a rush so you can go now. Be safe, Violet." I nod and I hug Tyler. He hugs me back tightly then we pull away. "Treat my sister right, ugly. If you don't, I will find you."

I scoff and I grab Liel's arm. I pull him out of Tyler's room. We make it to the main floor and I see Eli and Leah walk in the entrance. I run up to them without a second thought and they run up to me. We embrace each other in a bone-crushing group hug and we laugh together. We chat a little but it's only a small conversation because of the time limit Liel and I have.

"Well, I have to go now. Bye, guys. I love y'all," I say and I give them one last hug.

"Bye, Starr," Leah says and I smile.

"Bye, Si. Stay safe, stay stupid," Eli says and I laugh while I roll my eyes at him. I wave at them and I leave with Liel.

"Well... That was interesting. We should hurry and head back. Can you drive the bike? I'm still jittery and I shouldn't drive," I tell Liel and he nods silently. We get our helmets from the seat compartment and we slide them on. Liel climbs on the bike and I climb on behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist and he tenses at how low my hands are right now.

I smirk, knowing that I am playing with fire right now, but this is what he gets for lying to Tyler. He had the audacity to call me his girlfriend! Well... It sounded good but still!

"Princess... You might want to bring your hands a little higher. You're getting dangerously close to something that I can't control," Liel warns in a husky tone and my smirk widens. I slide my hands lower, knowing exactly what he's talking about.

I cup his cloth-covered manhood and he tenses as he sucks in his breath.

"Like this," I ask innocently and he groans. I start rubbing his hardness and he groans again.

"Princess... I-I'm warning y-you," Liel stutters out and my smirk widens even more than I thought was humanly possible. I rub him a little bit more then, I suddenly stop, bringing my hands up and wrapping my arms around his torso.

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