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After talking to Sydney while she took me home, I cooled down a lot

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After talking to Sydney while she took me home, I cooled down a lot. I just wanted to know why Patrick didn't tell me about the stripers when I initially asked him how the party was, or when I asked if he had fun.

I decided to occupy myself by making dinner for Patrick and I for when he got home. I started making chicken and rice with asparagus. When the chicken was cleaned and in a marinade, I put it in a baking pan and put it in the oven.

Then I went to the fridge and pulled out the asparagus and washed them under cold water before cutting the bad parts off the stem.

As I was cutting, I heard the front door open and close. A few seconds later Patrick came walking into our kitchen with his duffel bag hanging on his shoulder.

"Hey babe, what're you makin'?" Patrick asked me sweetly as he came up behind me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Chicken and rice with asparagus." I said flatly as I continued cutting.

"Looks delicious. I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick okay?" Patrick said before he kissed my cheek again.

"Okay." I answered with a small smile.

As Patrick walked away I realized that I didn't wanna fight over this, but I did wanna know why he didn't just tell me the truth.

When Patrick got out of the shower, I had dinner served and on two plates ready to eat. Patrick and I sat at the island in our kitchen and ate the dinner I made.

"This is amazing Savannah, I didn't know you were such a good cook." I smiled at his comment before responding to it.

"My mom started teaching me when I was really young." I said with a smile.

I didn't know how to segway into the conversation I knew we had to have, so I just bluntly started it.

"So why didn't you tell me about the strippers dancing all over you at the bachelor party last night?" I asked Patrick seriously as I cut the chicken breast on my plate.

Patrick immediately put his silverware down on his plate and directed all his attention to me.

"I don't know what you heard or saw, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to think anything of it." Patrick said as he put his hand on mine.

It made sense what he was saying. If nothing happened and I saw the video, I would get worked up over nothing. Just like I am right now, but it just didn't sit right with me knowing we had sex less than three hours before that all happened. I looked into Patrick's eyes before I spoke.

"Okay, but it really upset me that those girls were all over you hours after we had sex.. It just makes me feel like it didn't mean anything to you if you can go have fun with other half naked girls hours later. Does sex with me not mean anything to you?" I asked while still looking Patrick in the eyes, but full of sadness this time. Patrick put his hand on my cheek gently and stared deeply into my eyes.

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