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The next morning I tossed and turned in bed until my eyes slowly flickered open

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The next morning I tossed and turned in bed until my eyes slowly flickered open. I looked over to see Patrick sleeping soundly while shirtless next to me.

I smiled as last nights events flooded back into my head. Everything about yesterday was amazing, I had a blast at Mary Ann's wedding with Sydney, Travis, and Olivia. Then last night Patrick and I had sex for the first time, and it was earth shattering.

For me it wasn't about the sex, even though it was beyond amazing. It was more about sharing a special connection with Patrick that brought us even closer as a couple.

I wanted nothing more than to be as close as I can be with Patrick. When I care for someone I'm truly all in. I knew I had feelings for Patrick ever since we ran into eachother at Arrowhead on my first day.

My thoughts were interrupted by Patrick tossing and turning in his sleep. His arm muscles were exposed over the blanket, and his curly brown hair was a perfect mess.

I smiled as I admired my perfect sleeping boyfriend. I got out of bed slowly trying not to wake him.

When I sucessfully made it out of bed without waking him, I quickly realized I was still completely naked from last night. I grabbed Patrick's blouse that was on the floor and slipped it on before buttoning it up.

It was big enough to cover my whole body, that was good enough for me. I grabbed my phone off my bed side table and headed down to the kitchen to make Patrick and I some breakfast.

When I made it to the kitchen I unlocked my phone and read my notifications, I had like 20 text messages. All of them were from the groupchat Sydney had made that included herself, myself, and Olivia. I quickly read the few that appeared on my phone's lock screen.


Liv: call us as soon as you get up.

I unlocked my phone and started typing a response in the groupchat.

I can't I'm making breakfast!

I locked my phone and set it on the counter as I gathered things from the fridge, and pans from the cabinets. My phone dinged as I started preparing breakfast, I stopped and read the notifications from the groupchat.

You can totally talk while you make breakfast Van..🙄

Yeah, most definitley😤

I smiled and rolled my eyes as I read their texts. I pressed the call button in our groupchat so I could fill them in on the details they so desperately wanted to hear. I knew if I didn't call them that they would just keep asking me about it.

I held my phone up to my ear with my shoulder as I continued making breakfast for Patrick and I.

I was in the process of making eggs, sausage, wheat toast and cutting up some strawberries. I wasn't sure if we were having practice today or not, so I wanted to make sure I made Patrick a hearty breakfast just in case.

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