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Saying goodbye to Patrick's family was sad. I wish Patrick and I could've spent more time with them, but we had to get back home and get ready for our game this weekend.

Randi told me before we left that they were gonna start coming to Patrick's games for the rest of the season. So thankfully it wouldn't be too much longer before I would see them again.

The drive home was a little complicated to say the least. One of Patrick's friends since high school was having a bachelor party in Nashville

So Sydney and Olivia are gonna meet Patrick and I in Nashville. From there I'm gonna ride back to Kansas City with Sydney and Olivia, so I can be home in time for practice tomorrow.
Coach Reid gave Patrick the okay to take a few days off this week to do whatever he wanted. Since Patrick had been busting his ass all season and was most likely gonna take our team to the playoffs, a few days off seemed appropriate.

The drive to Nashville from Whitehouse was even longer than the drive to Whitehouse from Kansas City. Patrick and I took turns driving and following the gps built in his car. Including stops for gas and breaks to stretch our legs, it took us about twelve hours to get to Nashville from Whitehouse.

Nashville was beautiful, but I was ready to go home at this point. Patrick pulled into the designated meet place that Sydney, Olivia, and I had agreed on over text.

"Are they here yet?" Patrick asked me curiously as he pulled into the parking lot. 

I scanned the sheetz we agreed to meet at for Sydney's jeep wrangler. I shook my head in the negative.

"No, not yet." I said informing Patrick.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go inside and change for the party. Why don't you come in with me, and I'll get you some snacks for the ride home." Patrick said with a smile as he grabbed his duffle bag from the back seat. I smiled and nodded at his offer before I spoke.

"Okay." I said happily before we exited his car. I walked beside Patrick as we entered the gas station.

"Here." Patrick said as he pulled out a credit card from his wallet. "Buy anything you want." Patrick said with a smile as he handed me his discover card.

"You always take such good care of me." I said playfully as I took Patrick's card from him while stepping closer so now our bodies were touching. Patrick smiled and leaned down to  kiss my lips before he spoke.

"Well yeah, somebody's got to." Patrick said with a smile before he went off into the men's bathroom to change into his outfit he packed for his friends bachelor party.

I scoped out the gas station for anything that looked appetizing. I grabbed a couple bottles of water out of the cooler, and went over to the snack aisle and grabbed a couple granola bars. When I felt like I had enough I made my way to the counter to pay.

"Hi, how are you today?" The cashier asked me sweetly as he rung out my items one by one. I smiled back at him before I answered his question.

"I'm good." I said cheerfully. The cashier put my items in a bag before speaking again.

"Your total is $10.17." The cashier said sweetly while pushing the bag across the counter to me.

I swiped Patrick's card in the slot and grabbed the bag off the counter waiting for the transaction to be approved.

When the receipt printed, the cashier ripped it off the machine and smiled at me as he handed me the piece of paper.

"Have a nice day miss." The man said sweetly. I smiled at him and spoke before going back out to Patrick's car.

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