"The Mysterious Girl"

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apollo sat on the couch in the lobby, very nervous about that was happening with the trial, the most terrifying defense attorney up against the most coolheaded defense attorney, both top in the whole district, ..it was gonna be a showdown like no other

"Mr. Gavin and Mr. Wright are both in the judge's chamber! Who'd have thought today would turn out like this!?"

while apollo was very deep thought about what to even do in the trial, a girls voice cut him off from his mind, and entered back into reality

'...may i?'


apollo shot up his head at the voice, in front of him, was a girl, looked to be in her teens, ..she was in some sort of magician clothing, 

'Hello, sir. Please, pick a card'

she held out a deck of cards to him, apollo wasn't sure what a girl like her was doing here, ..and why she was offering him a card

"Wh-What's all this about?"

he nervously picked out a card, ..took it and asked

'Uh... Is this one OK?'

the girl looked and the card in his hands

'..Excellent. I have a message for you, "you have everything you need, this is your trump card"

'...trump card?'

apollo repeated, the girl continued on

'"you can do it, you have what it takes" That's all'

apollo looked back at the card

"An ace... Where do I remember that card from?"

'You have your trump card. Now it's up to you to cut the deck and draw... the truth. My father's fate is in your hands. I know you can do it!'

she smiled at him encouragingly before walking off, ...before apollo could even process what she had said about the "father" part, ...he felt like he met her before, ..but where?!

"This blood-stained card... is my trump card for finding the truth?"

"I fell deep into thought as my mind raced to understand what this all meant. That girl... I'd seen her recently... But where? That's when I made the connection..."

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