"From Shoot To Call"

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'I could not prevent the killer from leaving the scene, Nor could I simply leave the scene in good conscience, Ergo! I used my cell phone to call the police, Until the police arrived at the scene 10 minutes later, I saw no one else'

'Why didn't you chase the killer?'

apollo asked as he continued to write down his testimony

'He was, as you say, a killer. Of course, I could have run him down, yet what would he have done when cornered? Sadly, it takes more than an aptitude for solving quadratic equations to know that'

the judge went into deep thought


'Did the testimony earlier not prove the defendant's presence at the scene? And do we not also now know that there was no one else there? ...It seems clear that we have our killer. Does it not?'

klavier said, the judge looked over at the defense

'Does it not, Mr. Justice?'

"I'd better find a way to take this testimony down quick!"

apollo read over the testimony so many times, he couldn't even count how many, he tried comparing it with the evidence, ..nothing, he used other testimonies, ..nothing either, he knew pressing him wouldn't work either, ...20 minutes passed by in a flash, and still, he had nothing

"Argh! I can't find a single problem with that testimony!"

'...Had enough at last, Herr Forehead?'

klavier asked, in a some-what mocking tone of voice, apollo hands turned into fight fists, but he knew he had nothing to say..


"Argh! There's nothing fishy about that testimony at all!"

the judge had enough waiting and said

'It appears there are no objections to the witness's current testimony'

'There are any number of ways to explain the lack of prints on the pistol, I assure you. Perhaps the killer really was wearing gloves which wiped the previous user's prints off. Then, after the deed was done, this fell out of his pocket as he was throwing the gun away. A mistake befitting of a small-time punk, in my opinion'

klavier concluded, apollo gripped his hair in a stress like motion as he mentally cried out in defeat in his head

"No... Nooooooooooo!"

..he let down his client, his promise he, ..and he let his own boss down, ..mr wright, what would he say to him?, probably "your just like all the other disappointing lawyers..." or maybe even "you should've tried harder" ...he had lost..

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