Victory Noodles

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Trucy frowned in concern as she stared down at her white boots

'I wonder what'll happen to Machi...'

Apollo shurgged

'Well, he did smuggle a cocoon out of Borginia. I guess there'll be another trial here...'

'well better than a murder sentence at least'

they both turned their heads in surprise at the sudden voice, and were even more surprised to see phoenix standing their, with Lamiroir by his side


trucy greeted with a little smile, Lamiroir smiled underneath her mask


apollo said a little awe-struck, Lamiroir stared back at him

'My, is something wrong?'

he shook his head as he stumbled a bit on his words

'I'm sorry...! I... Machi was your partner on stage! Your friend...!'

she frowned as she looked off to the side a little

'...... Yes. I thought of him as my own son. Even now, I do. Yet... Something got ahold of him, something evil. I see that. And he must pay for what he has done. Is that not how it should be?'

'I'm still sorry...'

she shook her head gently

'Do not be sorry. You have given me courage'

trucy blinked at her


'I am considering an eye operation'

'It was my suggestion, actually'

phoenix added, she nodded

'You mean, you'll be able to see again?'

trucy said with a smile tugging at her lips, Lamiroir smiled a little

'It's funny. I have always been afraid of the "light". Light seems so harsh, so unforgiving...'

'the doctors think Lamiroir lost her sight due to some kind of accident'

phoenix explained

'An accident...?'

'As you know, I suffer from amnesia. I feared that, if I could see... ...perhaps it would open my eyes to the truth I have been running from. ...I was scared'

apollo then saw a slight grin at phoenix's lips

'You know what changed her mind? Hearing your defense in there today, she admired how you fought for truth'

she nodded, confirming his words, apollo was in awe, ..he inspired that much into one person?!

'...If the light returns to my eyes... ...I think I will take up painting.'


'That's right! She's the "landscape painter in sound", after all!'

'I will paint the two of you. I promise'

trucy jumped up in in the air

'Woo hoo! I can't wait, Lamiroir!'

phoenix then met apollo's eyes

'heh, i owe you my thanks to prophecy'

apollo felt a slight blush play on his cheeks, normally he didn't like nicknames, but hearing your idol give you a nickname was pretty cool, plus it wasn't a nickname like "here forehead" or "Polly" either, which was another plus

'Uh, thanks, Mr. Wright, but for what?'

'your helping out my office and its reputation while I'm away, ...congrats on the win'

he said in a slightly more softer tone, apollo didn't even know what to say next, 

'Apollo, Trucy... I hope that we will meet again someday soon'

'You bet! Me, too!'

trucy said, in an enthusiastic tone as always, after they all said their goodbyes, phoenix was nice enough to treat them all to noodles to celebrate apollo's victory, but right after their little celebration phoenix had to leave, saying how he had to attend to his other job and get back on his mental health

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