"Apollo Goes To Court Without A Plan"

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apollo sighed as he clutched up his fists, he knew who he was after now, but the problem was he didn't know how to go about it, he had no plan, which meant he was gonna have to bluff and rely on luck to guide him through and try to use some of Mr wright's techniques 

'Well, this is it!'

trucy said, rubbing her knuckles underneath her white silk gloves, she looked like how apollo felt, nervous, but as ready as you can be

'Today's the day it all goes down'

"And then there was yesterday..."

he replayed the conversation he had with daryan in his head last night at the detention centre

"He didn't want us to hear what Machi had to say..., And I think I know why. Time to bring down a little Justice!"

a loud bang went across the lobby, apollo and trucy flinched at the noise

'Wh-What was that!?'

apollo cried out, still hunched over, then, a voice boomed into the lobby

'He is heard but unseen...'

Trucy scanned the whole area

'Who's that talking...?'

then in a flash, Valant appeared in a blink of an eye, twirling his staff in his hand

'...Valant Gramarye!'

apollo said, blinking at him with an awe expression

"...Using the door like an average muggle, no less"

'You... aren't the witness today, are you, Uncle Valant?'

trucy asked, Valant grinned as he laughed 

'A preposterous proposition. How could I stand to stand upon the stand? Why, my secrets would be free for the plucking! ...I might even have to sign autographs! That is why I intend to remain hidden for the entire day'

'Ooh, with vanishing magic!?'

'Indeed! I will jump upon an express train, and express myself to the next town over! But before I go... a word of warning'

Trucy raised a brow

'Warning...? What?'

'A grand Gramarye glamour resides at the root of all that has happened. Do not forget this truth'

apollo eyed him

'A... glamour?'

'A spell, a sorcery... a great illusion! ...Miss Trucy, though it pains me to part so... ...I need to get in line for a ticket. Farewell!'

and with that, he vanished...through the door

'And there he goes'

trucy said with a big grin

'He sure seemed happy about that illusion thing...'

'Oh, big illusions are the bread and butter of a magician! You can't pull off a show without one! The big illusion is always a spectacle to remember! Usually, it involves cutting up things, like people or elephants... ...or the Eiffel Tower. Anything, really!'

'So he was talking about what we saw at the concert'

apollo summed up, turcy nodded

'Lamiroir's disappearing act'

'And Prosecutor Gavin's exploding guitar'

'I wonder what he meant by it being at "the root of all that has happened"?'

Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo justice*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz