"Little Plum"

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the two decided to try their luck back the masion, as much as apollo would rather stay far, far away from them, he needed clues, he wasn't expecting to see the plum lady again, and jumped when he saw her, trucy however, was a calm and normal as ever

"Yipes! She's back!"

'Hey. You two. Over here!'

she called out, apollo gulped nervously as trucy smiled, skipping along, he stuttered on his words as he spoke

'U-Uh, us?'

'Yo, Little Plum! Wassup!?'

she greeted in a very terrible, but cute gangster impression

"I think all this gangsterese is a negative influence on Trucy..."

'I heard you retrieved my bloomers!'

she said simply, apollo clutched onto his bag strips

'W-Well, I was j-just doing--'

'Bah! A man speaks clearly, and takes credit where it's due! You caught the thief, didn't you?'

she asked, cutting him off, apollo nodded at once

'Uh, y-yes! Sorry! I caught him!'

trucy giggled as she nudged him a little

'You're cute when you're nervous, Polly!'

she teased, apollo glared at her from the corner of his eyes

'...I'll deal with you later'

he mumbled to her, but then, plums voice cut them both off

'But enough about bloomers! What about my son, Wocky!?'

'W-Wocky? Er, well, he's, um...'

plum took out the blade from her broom


she commanded

'Y-Yes, ma'am!'

"This is why I was kind of hoping we could avoid coming back here!, this is a job for Mr. Wright to handle!"

trucy however, was having a blast with this

'He's really everything you'd expect in a Boss's son! "I'm going to be a gangster, dude!"'

'The life does have an appeal for that age... Particularly for boys'

trucy glaced at apollo sideways, teasing him

'What? Don't look at me like that!'

she giggled as she looked away from him

'He was shot in a turf war about half a year ago'

plum said in a grim tone of voice, apollo nodded

'Yes... We heard the story from Wocky'

'...But he didn't tell you the whole story. You know, even if he had a pistol then, he couldn't have shot anyone'

trucy's eyes widen a bit


'He acts like he's "hard", but he couldn't shoot someone to save his life. I should know... I'm his mom'

"Her words do have a certain weight to them..."

apollo though to himself nervously

'Hopefully, when this is all taken care of... ...he and the Boss can sort out their differences'

she said, in a hopeful, but grim tone of voice

'The Boss... You mean Wocky's father?'

trucy asked

'They didn't seem to be on the best terms, did they?'

he asked her

'It's true... One of our pistols is missing'

'So the murder weapon was from this mansion...'

trucy concluded, apollo mentally agreed with her on that

'We kind of figured, given the difficulty of obtaining a gun these days'

'None of the rank and file have access. Only the Boss, myself, and ...Wocky could have taken it'

apollo slowly nodded

'I see...'

plum then held up her broom a little

'I'm sure the cops will continue tromping all over the mansion because of this case. Maybe this is a sign that it's time for a change! Wa ha ha ha ha ha!'

she laughed, as if this was a funny joke, apollo had to hand it to her, at least she had a sense of humour..

"She doesn't seem too concerned, at least"

he then decided to chnage up the subject a bit

'Uh, Wocky's Fiance, They're getting married next month, correct?'

he asked, plum blew a piece of hair out from her face

'I suppose. She's been staying over lately'

trucy examined her facial expressions

.'..You don't look too happy about that, Little Plum'

she said, plum looked up at her

'...! How'd you guess?'

"Even I could tell that!"

'Could you tell us more about her?'

he asked, pushing away the bitter thought

'...Wocky brought her home one day. Says he wants to tie the knot'

'I can see why! She's so pretty!'

trucy said, plum nodded a little in agreement

'Oh, she's pretty enough. But, you know...'

trucy noticed how she trailed off, but then, she then waved her hand dismissively

'Nah, it's probably just me being suspicious. Stay in this business too long... ...and you start to only see darkness in people. You get a nose for it. A nose for people... A nose for trouble'

"Hmm. I wonder what the problem is?"

'It's like a gangsters-only version of "female intuition"!'

trucy said, comparing the two

'The Boss may act tough, but that boy means the world to him'

'But Wocky seems, well... It seems like he's against his father's position'

he said, trying not to upset her in anyway, luckily for him, the woman only sadly shrugged

'Ah. It's to be expected. We're in a bit of a transition now. Trying to cut our ties to the shadier side of the street and do more on the up-and-up. Wocky isn't too enthusiastic about the change, it's true'

'But why the change? Is the gangster thing just not paying the bills?'

trucy asked, the woman started to laugh as if it was some funny joke

'Wa ha ha ha ha ha! It pays... but we need a lot of money right now. Clean money, that is'

she said, apollo nervously nodded

'I see...'

"Hmm, something must be up"

'He'll see things the way the Boss sees 'em... some day'

she said hopefully

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