"...Vera Misham..."

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'Drew Misham'

'Th-the victim was a "fake clue"? I'm afraid I don't understand'

the judge said in total surprise

'...I'll explain. We have an envelope, a frame, and a mug, linked by poison. That all makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the victim himself!'


'...Congratulations. You've completely lost me. So the fake evidence is none other than the master of fake himself, the forger? ...It makes a good story, I'll give you that'

"The fake clue... Fakes... forgeries..." 

trucy jumped in exciement

'I know that face! That's the "I just had an idea" face!'

'I don't know if I'm right... but I'm going with it anyway! What if our "forger" is the "fake"!?'

klavier raised a brow

'...Come again?'

'Seven years ago, our forger sniffed a trap, and stepped aside. ...Seven years passed. Now the forger stumbles into that very same trap, and dies. ...Why?'

'That's what I want to know!'

the judge cried out

'Because the forger who was killed... was a fake'

klavier held himself back from rolling his eyes

'Here we are again. The victim... was a "fake"?'

'One forger smelled the trap. One forger fell into the trap. That's two forgers! And one of them was a fake!'

the court started to go a little wild at that

'Order! Order! Order!!!'

the judge called out, as klavier stared at apollo with an unreadable expression

'So you are telling us that Drew Misham, the victim, was a fake? Well, if he was the fake, who was the real forger? You'd better not be claiming there was some kind of switcheroo?'

'...I'm afraid you're going to have to back up your story. Mr. Justice. Show us just who the real Drew Misham was!'

Apollo looked down at his notes, now or never he supposed

"If Drew Misham wasn't the real forger... ...there's only one other person it could have been!" 

'...Understood, Your Honor. Forger Drew Misham was himself a forgery! The real forger was, his only daughter, Vera Misham!'

the court started to  get rwoby again, the judge had to yell even louder then last time

'Order! Order! Order! ...Mr. Justice! This is going out on a limb, even for you!'

trucy had to agree

'I kinda agree. I mean, Vera, a forger?'

Apollo quietly shushed her as he began to explain his reasoning to the court

'Let's consider it before you write it off entirely. If you look at the paintings in the studio, one fact becomes quite clear. Forgery had been taking place in that studio for quite some time! The forger wasn't caught in that trap seven years ago. This can only mean that the one who was caught in the trap wasn't the forger!'

'Well... Actually, that does make a certain kind of sense'

the judge admitted

'One more thing! Only two sets of fingerprints were found in the forger's studio. Drew Misham's... and Vera Misham's.'

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