"Ema's Testimony"

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'Your name and profession, please'

klavier asked, grinning as always, ema on the other hand, seemed as moody as ever, she was looking off to the side, pouting and all, but her tone was as professional 

'Ema Skye, I'm a detective for the police department. I was on security detail at the concert forum that night'

"Ema seems... tired, somehow"

he thought to himself as he examined her closely with his eyes, he could now see the dark circles under his eyes

'Hmm... Security at the concert, you say?'

the judge asked

'Some security I was. Couldn't even stop a murder... ......'

she mumbled the last part to herself in self-regret, the judge's eyes widen as he quickly spoke up

'Now, don't blame yourself! Things like this happen! I've made even bigger mistakes in my career, you know!'

he said hesitantly, apollo blinked at him

"I'm sure that makes her feel much better"

'I want to hear about these bigger mistakes!'

trucy wondered, klavier however, calmly interjected

'In any case... Because you were on security detail, the crime was quickly discovered. And, we were able to identify the killer'

Ema stayed quite as she kept pouting, klavier grinned as he leaned over

'You may give the court your testimony, if you would. Describe the circumstances of that day, and your discovery of the crime, please'

ema sighed as she exhaled


apollo hurried to take out his notebook and pen

"alright it's just like last time"

'The night of the murder, I was on security backstage, at Prosecutor Gavin's request, Only people involved with the concert in some way were allowed backstage, At the beginning of the third set... I heard shots, I went into the room, filled with blaring rock music, and found the body, I examined the scene and determined that only the defendant could have done it'

the judge went into deep thought

'Hmm... It was lucky that a detective was the first on the scene'

'But that door was the only way out of the room, right?'

trucy asked, apollo nodded as he continued to write out the rest of the testimony

'Yeah, pretty much'

'Then I don't get it. How can they say that Machi did it?'

'Looks like we need a bit more information 

he said as he began to underline the statements now

'Very well, the defense may begin the cross-examination'

the judge allowed, apollo narrowed his eyes at his written out testimony, contemplating on what statement to press

'The night of the murder was the night of the concert, yes?'

he finally asked

'That's right'

'What was a detective doing on security detail, might I ask? ...If it was only a concert?'

he asked, quickly turning his page to write down her answers, ema

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