"Vera Misham"

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'Alright, so what case are you going to use?'

phoenix narrowed his gaze a him

'You really want to know?'

'Of course I do! I mean... I'm going to be defending, aren't I?'

'If it doesn't go to shit then yes, but remember,  this is just a test. We wanted everyone to start without preconceptions'

apollo huffed

'There's a difference between having a blank slate and just being totally clueless. Who's dumb idea was that anyway?'

Phoenix fixed him up with a hard scary glare

'mine, Committee chair, remember?'

he said in a "don't disrespect me" tone of voice, it was low and scary kind that criminals give to scare you off, apollo shuddered as he swallowed the lump down his throat nervously, blushing a tinted red


Phoenix seemed satisfied with his reaction and eased up a little,  

'fine, if you want to know that badly, could give you permission to examine the scene of the crime'

Apollo grimaced gratefully

'Good! That's better--'

'i'm not done talking,  you still can't talk to anyone involved with the case'

Apollo started up at him

'What!? Then how am I supposed to defend...?'

'let me worry about the details, Remember I'm in charge of this trial. All of it'

Apollo didn't now if that was a good thing, or a terrifying thing, phoenix wright, known as the most terrifying defense attorney in the whole district, and has gotten into multiple physical fights, in charge of running a trial

'But you don't want it to backfire, do you?'

Phoenix rolled his eyes

'idiot, if I am in charge of the whole trial, that means the entire affair is my responsibility, For good, or for bad, do what you can. And don't worry. I know what I'm doing, i always do'

Apollo thought for a moment before nodding his head

'A... Alright'

'I'd recommend going down to the detention center. Your client's waiting for you. You can ask about the scene there'

'But you just said I couldn't talk to anyone involved...'

'it's complicated i know, but you can talk to your client., if you can get the bitch to talk anyway, also here, take this'

phoenix said as he gave the letter over the trucy, who jumped in her spot

'...What's this, Daddy? Isn't that silk hat the Gramarye seal?'

Phoenix shrugged

'Consider it a present, magic'

'Thanks! It's great!'

apollo would never get over seeing a soft phoenix wright, ..ever

'...So what is it?'

apollo asked, cutting in

'Can I open it, Daddy?;


Trucy started up at him


'You'll need that envelope during the trial, Don't open it until then'

Trucy looked confused

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