"Magic And Science"

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'So, are we to understand that you were silent not because you were guilty of murder... ...but because you lacked the courage to admit your theft of this girl's undergarments?'

the judge said in a very dis-pleased tone, sticker gripped his book tighter in his arms

'Ahem. Perhaps you are not aware that my school's name was originally written "IV"! "I" stands for "Intelligent", "V" stands for "Valiant"! See!?'

'...Your point?'

stickler however, hushed him

'I'm not done! Now, I'm a major in the Science Department... ...and what does science teach if not curiosity!? Yes, we of the Ivy U. Science Department are valiantly curious! No challenge is too daunting, and what greater challenge to science than a mystery!?'

apollo rolled his eyes at him, what a lame excuse

'C'mon! You're talking about a girl's panties here!'

stickler however, raised his arms into the hair

'No! You do not understand! A mystery is the unknown, and the unknown is unacceptable! And, my friends, when it comes to mysteries, those panties are the promised land! From the moment I first laid eyes on them, I was compelled to investigate... for science! A full-sized car tire was only the first mystery those panties revealed!'

apollo blinked at him

'A... tire?'

'Yes! I saw her do it! She pulled a tire out of those panties! But that's not all! First, there was the tire, then a stewpot, and a frozen chicken! One mystery after another! It was... It was magic!'

trucy eyed him, then it hit her, that's why she thought she had recognized him

'Oh, I remember now! He's one of the regulars in the audience at the Wonder Bar!'

she said, now finally understanding better, apollo looked over at her


'He's talking about my Magic Panties trick!'

stickler shook his head in awe, as if trucy's prop was a scientific discovery, and not a magic trick

'I just don't understand... A broom... from a pair of panties? It mocks the very laws of physics...'

apollo looked over at her weirdly, the panties thing was already weird enough, but the fact she pulled out a broom just made it even more odd

'A broom... and a frozen chicken, Trucy? What ever happened to doves and bunny rabbits?'

all she did was smile and shrug, apollo honestly stopped questioning her at that point, the judge however, raised a brow at him

'M-Mr. Stickler! You stole this girl's panties to understand a magic trick?'

'You say "panties" but they are so much more than that! For me, they are an object for serious study!'

he insisted, klavier however, had his own questions to ask

'...I wonder... There has been a recent rash of panty-snatchings in the area... ...Were they all you?'

'I... I am sorry. But I did it for science! Each time I spied a pair of panties flapping in the breeze, I thought maybe! Maybe this would be the pair that would elucidate the mystery... Even that night as she chased me through the streets, I wept tears of joy! Perhaps this is the night that I will seize the truth that lies within those panties! Yet woe was I! For once again the lacy heart-patterned truth slipped through my fingers a--'

Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo justice*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ