"Phoenix Wright Testimony"

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the judge banged down his gavel as he announced to the court

'The court is now in session.'

panye smirked as he flipped his hair, yup, still as ugly, and as smug as ever

'The prosecution is ready, Your Honor.'

apollo stammered on his words a bit

"remember what Mr. Wright said justice"

'Uh, the defense is, uh, fine! I mean ready, Your Honor!'

"Mind going blank... Don't panic... Ack, too late"

the judge looked down at him, a little surprised, ...he thought phoenix would be defending himself, ..or would be having Mr. Gavin represent him in court, ..guess not

'Your name was... Mr. Justice? And this is your first trial?'

apollo nodded

'Y-Yes, Your Honor! But I'm fine! Really!'

the judge looked down at him a little worried

'Are you quite sure? Your voice sounds a bit strained.'

apollo coughed as he cleared his throat, ..he over did it again,  the judge gave him a moment to compose himself as he spoke to gavin

'Ahem. Mr. Gavin?'

'...Yes, Your Honor?'

krisroph repiled, as calm as collected as ever, apollo didn't understand how anyone could be this calm, ..he was a nervous wreck, ..then again, mr gavin was in court for a very long time, so he was probably used to this

'I was under the impression that you would be heading up this case, or at least mr wright would be defending himself'

the judge asked, kirstoph shrugged as he explained phoenix's strange motives, ..not really understanding as well

'That was my intention, yes. However... A defense attorney must always cede to his client's wishes. And my client specifically requested Mr. Justice, and even said he didn't want to defend himself'

the judge didn't understand, phoenix was a man who took nothing from nobody and was the most terrifying defense attorney in the distract, why did he want a newbie to defend him?!, but regardless he went on with his trial

'Well, of course he wants justice! But to entrust his case to this greenhorn... Why? I do not exaggerate when I say that you're the second best defense attorney in town, Mr. Gavin'

even though he was out of work, phoenix wright was still known as the number one defense attorney, apollo cracked his knuckles as he got himself ready, sure his mentor had experience, but he had the cords of steel?!!, the judge banged down his gavel as he began to trial at last

'Then let's begin. The defendant may enter the courtroom.'

when phoenix got to the stand, apollo noticed just how everyone got on edge, he didn't blame them, mr wright brought a very imitating aura around him, he gave off the "don't mess with me unless you wanna die" vibe, the judge frowned when he saw phoenix on the witness stand, ..poor man couldn't catch a break could he?!

'This is truly an unfortunate turn of events. I'm sorry we had to meet again under these circumstances, Long time no see, Mr. Wright'

he greeted polity, normally phoenix would say some rude and sarcastic, ..but, he honestly liked the judge, he was a good guy, and he could tell he really meant what he said

'...don't bother saying sorry for something that isn't your fault your honer, let's get the to point of this trial alright?'

he said, the judge nodded, but was still upset to see him like this, apollo felt the same way as well, ..first, he was known as a lying child, second, he get's his childhood exposed against his will and had to testify about his own abuse, then have his own abusive girlfriend come back just to haunt him..and now, ...he was a suspect for murder...

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